2011 TTID 180 9-3 16" alloys?

2011 TTID 180 9-3 16" alloys?



Original Poster:

3,514 posts

119 months

Monday 17th February 2020
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Just picked up some 16" Saab 9-3 alloys for winter use, the tyres attached are 215/55/16's, why are they such a random size?

It does state this size in the handbook.

They are 6.5 rims, and looking about the prices are quite strong for such size tyres, if I compare them to a more common 205/55/16 tyre they are considerably cheaper.

Does anybody deviate from the handbook, and fit 205's or is there a reason Saab have 215's fitted?

Would this effect insurance if I was to do this also.


Original Poster:

3,514 posts

119 months

Sunday 8th March 2020
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Just to close this thread, I went for 215/55/16's in the end, didn't really want a quandary with the insurance to be honest, so stuck with what was stated in book.

Picked up some stubby unfashionable 16's (cheeky offer, got them for £50!!)

..whipped off the lovely Landsails (they were way past their best) and got some winters mounted, ready for October now I guess.

Give me chance to refurb the rather scarce 17" Turbo Edition "Turbine" wheels and keep them nice, seem pretty rare when I was looking for spare ones....?