Key battery problem.

Key battery problem.



Original Poster:

833 posts

270 months

Saturday 18th January 2020
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I have recently put a new battery in the key fob. The car is a 53 plate 95 Vector Estate. The SID Tells me every time I start the car to replace the key battery. Clearing it with button clears it but it still re appears. Any ideas guys?


691 posts

149 months

Friday 24th January 2020
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the 9-3 requires a sort of ghetto linking procedure so that sid knows that the key battery has been changed (a bit non fathomable to me as the control panel is picking up the voltage from the fob anyway but hey-ho),

two methods but the one that worked for me was to change battery and then press unlock on the remote x4 whilst within range of the receiver.

i'm told that if you don't complete this straight after the battery change then the synch fails and the message keeps popping up

9-5 may, of course, be wholly different



Original Poster:

833 posts

270 months

Sunday 26th January 2020
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Thanks for that, will give it a try. It may be that the shelf life of battery not good and falling under load? Will buy a new battery if your suggestion fails.


1 posts

51 months

Sunday 6th September 2020
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had same problem.. worked out it was the solder on battery contact on board failed a resolder should sort it..