Driving to Marseille 2008

Driving to Marseille 2008



Original Poster:

1,163 posts

204 months

Wednesday 8th August 2007
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They is quite a sizeable group of us planning to drive over to France next year for a good old fashioned road trip!!!! Huge array of cars going so gonna be a cruise down through as oppose to really shifting. The port we will be arriving at is Boulogne and heading down through towards the Marseille area to set up a base camp from which to venture out.

There are a few places that i would love to take in on the way down or on day trips depending on there locations. I am not a great geography person so if someone could give me some idea of whether these places are either on route or reachable from our base -

1. Millau Bridge
2. Stelvio Pass
3. Reims Pit Lane
4. Monaco town
5. St Tropez

There are probably some others but i can't think of them right now. Anyone that has done a similar trip that could suggest the realistic chances of taking these places i would be ace. We are going for 2 weeks and will be returning back to the same port of Boulogne.

Thanks in anticipation for any help.



Original Poster:

1,163 posts

204 months

Thursday 9th August 2007
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Yeah the plan is to base oursleves South so that we can have some nice beach days mixed with some good driving days. Is Reims way off the beaten track?? and as for Stelvio pass is that a long journey away?? I am sure there is plenty of good driving nearby anyway but that appealed after recently seeign some pictures of it, one of those places i would like to say i have been to you know.

Any pointers you can give would be much appreciated - its a new prospect for me and want to make sure its well planned hence starting now. Can't book the ferry yet as Jul 08 is to far ahead so that will have to just wait. Is there anything that you guys can recommend sorting out?? We have found a nice spot to stay which suits all as some want to camp, some have split screen camper vans and us sports car drivers want to live it up in a lodge!!!! So we managed to find a site that has it all.

Look forward to hearing your thoughts and any pictures of the places i have mentioned or any others that are down that way would also be welcomed.

Cheers guys
