Great Drives in France - what do you recommend? & why?

Great Drives in France - what do you recommend? & why?


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726 posts

255 months

Wednesday 24th May 2006
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Over the past 15 years I have enjoyed some truly magnificent driving in France, and cover at least 1/3 of my annual mileage there.
I am firmly of the opinion that Autoroutes and Routes Nationales are best avoided, and left to the "shed draggers" (those driving on the N138 on 17/18 June are the exception to prove the rule!).

Each time I visit France, I try to find new territory. 10 days ago, I drove the 400+ miles from Le Havre to Pontarlier (25), using N roads for 40 miles only.

A great area I found was the Morvan, north of Autun, cracking deserted roads in stunning scenery.

Several years ago, I drove the Route des Grandes Alpes from Thonon to Menton - arguable one of the most awesome drives anywhere, a real test for man and machine.

Over to you, mes amis, declare your hand!
Post your favourite drives - long or short - here.

Sortie 10, my "nom de plume" is a clue as to which exit to take from the Calais/Rouen autoroute to have some great driving en route to Le Mans!