Paris - advice?



Original Poster:

5,329 posts

216 months

Tuesday 18th July 2023
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Hi, I'm heading through Paris - staying for just one night with the family (2 boys age 13 & 15) and I've never been before so want to make the most of it.

Want to do the obvious sights (Eiffel tower, Arc de Triomphe, etc). Could anyone give me any advice as to the most time efficient way of doing things given we're there for just a day?

Not booked a hotel yet, but will need parking as we'll be in the car. Does Paris have vehicle restrictions etc like central London?

Any advice most appreciated.


Original Poster:

5,329 posts

216 months

Tuesday 18th July 2023
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Thanks, I don't think I've time for the Louvre so will probably give that a miss unfortunately (I've been before some 15 years ago anyway).

Will defo look into booking Eiffel tower though