French speeding tickets being sent UK licence holders

French speeding tickets being sent UK licence holders


Le Vette

Original Poster:

4,741 posts

237 months

Thursday 4th April 2019
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In the past, the French gendarmes had to actually stop uk drivers to punish them for speeding, but now the tickets resulting from being flashed are finding their way back to the uk. Mate got two today, from his trip to see us in Normandy (near Le Mans!) last October! Yes, five months after the offence. Pay now or the price goes up, as always...

I truly hope somebody rich and bolshy takes this to a uk court, because many of the cameras here (France) face the back of the car, so there's no way they can prove who's driving. Regrettably we have to roll over and just take it here, but I'm pretty sure uk licence holders don't have to! I don't know if this can be challenged in a uk court, but I sincerely hope so.

Heads up for everybody driving over here this year (assuming anyone wants to post-Bex*t). mad


3,208 posts

138 months

Thursday 4th April 2019
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They've had the power to do it for a couple of years now , it was in the French press last time I was there selling my house . They seemingly never bothered but I'd guess they're chasing them now due to brexit . They may as well make the most of the opportunity before , if , Britain leaves the eu .


10,219 posts

173 months

Thursday 4th April 2019
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There is a very high chance that the person speeding is the car owner caught on camera.
So why would a wealthy savvy person take them to court based on a mere speeding fine?

To escape a 90 euro fine?

Pay up and shut up is best.


6,269 posts

198 months

Friday 5th April 2019
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A friend in the UK has just received a ticket from last September - actual cost €45. He was unaware of the 80kph limit being introduced last Julysmile

Driving back from Spain last week, I was amazed by the number of cameras vandalised by the Gilets Jaunes, especially near Bordeaux. Apparently that is partly why the Amendes office is now catching up on things they missed last year.

Le Vette

Original Poster:

4,741 posts

237 months

Friday 5th April 2019
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"....minister for the interior Christophe Castaner confirmed that 75% of existing speed cameras in France had been destroyed or damaged since the start of the gilets jaunes protest movement and after the speed limit drop to 80 kph on certain roads." biggrin

Edited by Le Vette on Friday 5th April 22:58


57 months

Saturday 6th April 2019
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Why would anyone pay it unless they wanted to drive back over there next year?


10,219 posts

173 months

Saturday 6th April 2019
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Elatino1 said:
Why would anyone pay it unless they wanted to drive back over there next year?
There are thousands of Brits driving in and out of France almost weekly. So it's prudent to pay the fines.


6,269 posts

198 months

Saturday 6th April 2019
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Le Vette said:

Edited by Le Vette on Friday 5th April 22:58
That might be a fishy April Fools joke. This site is pretty good at showing the current state of play

Le Vette

Original Poster:

4,741 posts

237 months

Saturday 6th April 2019
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Le Vette said:
Mate got two today, from his trip to see us in Normandy (near Le Mans!) last October! Yes, five months after the offence. Pay now or the price goes up, as always...
Incredibly, my mate got another two today, from the same five-day trip to see us in Normandy. He's not a nutter or a speed freak, but he didn't have Waze or a similar navigation aid with cameras on it. mad

Food for thought if you're coming to Le Mans this year.


583 posts

254 months

Sunday 7th April 2019
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Yes it's fun here. But you don't get the points, so pay the cheap fine. It is purely to do with the gov. gaining money - nothing to do with safety. If caught for a high speed over stated road speed they can crush the vehicle.
The owner is the responsible person, not the driver. All vehicles have to be insured, so if it is stolen you are insuring the damage and paying for the speeding fines that the thief had incurred.


18 posts

103 months

Wednesday 17th April 2019
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Any idea of the speed he was doing ? Well over or slightly over ?


6,269 posts

198 months

Wednesday 17th April 2019
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RRBill said:
Any idea of the speed he was doing ? Well over or slightly over ?
This is how fines assessed, if that is what you want to know.

Machines tend to enforce at 5kph over the limit, or 5% over 100kph


18 posts

103 months

Sunday 26th May 2019
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1,573 posts

167 months

Wednesday 3rd July 2019
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Just had the notice in the post.
Between Soissons and Reims on N31.
Notice says at least 20kmh and less than 30 kmh. Reduced fine of €90 for 102 in an 80.

Didn't see the camera.

Years ago the grey boxes were seen easily. Have they taken to hiding them?

Edit: just googled for pictures of cameras and they are now round posts. Not what I was looking for. frown

Edited by Jagmanv12 on Thursday 4th July 00:06


1,956 posts

139 months

Wednesday 3rd July 2019
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I got flashed a couple of times this time last year I guess i'm in the clear now a year later,
I'll let you know if i receive anything.


5,340 posts

255 months

Wednesday 3rd July 2019
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Do we reciprocate?


1,902 posts

261 months

Thursday 4th July 2019
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mikal83 said:
Do we reciprocate?
Yep, reciprocal agreement.


49,633 posts

201 months

Thursday 4th July 2019
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Rushjob said:
mikal83 said:
Do we reciprocate?
Yep, reciprocal agreement.
Until 1/1/2019 👍👍


1,902 posts

261 months

Thursday 4th July 2019
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One of my neighbours got a UK speeding ticket about a month ago after a trip around the M25 so it's still in place....

Edited by Rushjob on Friday 5th July 16:01


6,269 posts

198 months

Thursday 4th July 2019
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I have driven up from Saumur to Calais today. I must have passed 10 damaged cameras and about 3 active ones. All were well signed, but the cameras pretty well hidden in the usual French style.

I think UK drivers picking up a French tickets are being a bit unlucky and not paying sufficient attention. The 80kph has been active for more than a year now, so there is not even the excuse of “I did not know”