TVR Care in France



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656 posts

235 months

Monday 7th January 2008
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Persuaded the good lady that this summer we should have a drive to the Nurburg Ring. Only catch is I have to go via Lake Garda for a week in the sun!!

Going to be driving down through France and across into Italy. Travelling through Epernay, Dijon, towards Geneve then through the alps, across the top of Italy and to Lake Garda. Then returning up the Stelvio Pass and up through Germany to Nurburg, then back to Blighty. All in 2 weeks.

Not that I'm wishing bad luck on myself or that I don't have confidence in the car, but does anyone have experience of garages in France, Italy and Germany. Should I have any issues I figure it would be good to have details with me of garages that I feel confident in dealing with the car. Is there a database of Garages in Europe anywhere. In particular, is there anyone around Lake Garda. I'm going to be there for a week and if there were any issues, this would be a good time to try and sort them.

If there isn't a database, does it seem like a good idea to create one somewhere? Would be a shame to put the car on a transporters after a week and have a hire car because of a minor problem that I can't fix and a local garage can't deal with?

Will post this on the TVRCC website forum as well.