Great Drives in France - what do you recommend? & why?

Great Drives in France - what do you recommend? & why?


Sortie 10

Original Poster:

726 posts

255 months

Wednesday 24th May 2006
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Over the past 15 years I have enjoyed some truly magnificent driving in France, and cover at least 1/3 of my annual mileage there.
I am firmly of the opinion that Autoroutes and Routes Nationales are best avoided, and left to the "shed draggers" (those driving on the N138 on 17/18 June are the exception to prove the rule!).

Each time I visit France, I try to find new territory. 10 days ago, I drove the 400+ miles from Le Havre to Pontarlier (25), using N roads for 40 miles only.

A great area I found was the Morvan, north of Autun, cracking deserted roads in stunning scenery.

Several years ago, I drove the Route des Grandes Alpes from Thonon to Menton - arguable one of the most awesome drives anywhere, a real test for man and machine.

Over to you, mes amis, declare your hand!
Post your favourite drives - long or short - here.

Sortie 10, my "nom de plume" is a clue as to which exit to take from the Calais/Rouen autoroute to have some great driving en route to Le Mans!

Heli Coil

54 posts

215 months

Sunday 10th September 2006
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Bonjour mes ami, Try the drive from St Tropez to Plans de la Tour at night and pray no one is coming the other way?( your on the fall side of the Mountain} This is a drive I did last summer.This is a trying bit of road even in a Porsche that I can handle...even if my eyesight is failing. TVR DRIVERS DO IT WITH THERE EYES CLOSED AND WITHOUT LIGHTS IAM TOLD BUT THEY ARE A BREED APART.

Merci Mac.


7,897 posts

217 months

Saturday 16th September 2006
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N85 and N75 in the south.
Also the road from Grenoble to Briancon. (You can take in the famous Tour de France climb, L'Alpe D'huez, on the way)

TBH, the south has more great roads than you could ever want!


541 posts

214 months

Sunday 24th September 2006
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gorges du verdon


354 posts

213 months

Friday 3rd November 2006
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N112 from St Chinian to St Pons. Bize Minervois to St Jean de Minervois, through to Assignan and thn to St Chinian, a real hoot, great visibility unudlating fast road with nice hairpins small passes over bridges thrown in, with the odd sanglier if you are lucky.


2,246 posts

212 months

Saturday 27th January 2007
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Any ideas for a nice drive in the Northern half of France?

F308 MAN

1,029 posts

240 months

Thursday 1st February 2007
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spokey said:
Any ideas for a nice drive in the Northern half of France?

yes, the drive to the Le Mans 24 hour festival ... nothing quite like it !

beer d


12,964 posts

216 months

Monday 19th February 2007
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Everyone seems to think that the best roads are to be found hundreds of miles south but if you look at Swiss Normandy you'll find some wonderful roads. It is hilly, forested, great restaurants, some good cheap hotels and best of all not too far from the coast. I'd recommend you take a look at it. I live at Le Mans and there are also great roads and hotels on the Loire and the road from Le Mans to Tours via La Chartre sur Loire (NOT the N138) is a D road so straight that it is sublime to drive. Also, if you are a petrolhead, the Hotel de France in La Chartre sur Loire (on this road from Le Mans to Tours) is a must. A Logis de France not at all dear where the Aston team stayed in the '50's with autographed photos everywhere.


914 posts

218 months

Tuesday 20th February 2007
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Try the Gorge de Vesubie D2565 north of Nice. After driving along the river beneath ovehanging cliffs worried you'll bang the aerial but not caring because the sound is awesome, turn right on to the D70. You might know it better as the Col du Turini...

Heart stopping drops, fabulous views, ultimate respect for the Group B warriors I watched as a kid (actually anyone who's driven balls out along there in pursuit of a stage time). To cap it all the car park at the top was filled with 60's 70's and 80's rally porn - a German historic rally event.

I'm glad I bought the car down here for the winter


13,601 posts

255 months

Tuesday 20th February 2007
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The N100 goes vaguely south if you can find it ;D THE best bit of European road you will ever find, goes on for miles & miles.


7,897 posts

217 months

Friday 2nd March 2007
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We hooned it in January.


524 posts

210 months

Friday 9th March 2007
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sorry, very much a noob here, having not ventured much further than St omar and longueness, but plan to change that this year, a friend of mine lives in le roche derriene, not that far from brest.

Rather than doing the St marlo route, i was thinking of landing in calais, and driving the 400 miles down to le roche derriene, so may be able to report back soon. I'll be doing the drive in my 1996 mustang, so sweeping fast corners more the order of the day than tight twisties..