Just North of Tours...

Just North of Tours...



2,282 posts

285 months

Monday 12th November 2007
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Brilliant. Look out for us in not too distant future. Well done that man


605 posts

222 months

Monday 12th November 2007
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Congratulations ! We have a house in St Privat near Brive a bit further south. The local CA branch has looked after us very well for six or so years now.

Drop Satcure into Google to get details on getting UK telly out there. It's a really easy DIY job once you've done it a couple of times.

Caversham .. I got married in St Peters and christened the kids there as well .. from memory the pubs heading north go The Pack Saddle, the Pack Horse, the Fox and then the Highwayman ....



Original Poster:

48,616 posts

251 months

Monday 12th November 2007
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Cheers Chris! I'm afraid the Packhorse closed down last week...


1,647 posts

210 months

Thursday 15th November 2007
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Puggit said:
French bureaucracy at it's best rolleyes

Took overnight ferry to Le Havre, popped in to the bank to drop off a few thousand euros and avoid the expensive charges and arrive at midday in La Chartre sur le Loir to meet our agent.

He was somewhat flustered, and informed us of some niggles that morning. Apparently a new law was passed on 1st November meaning that a full gas installation survey was required. The notaire had forgotten this...

The notaire was able to get a gas engineer in for the next day (Thursday) which wasn't really suitable for us, having travelled down to Sarthe that day for this event! So our agent pulled in a favour and had the survey carried out that morning. According to our vendor, all was well and we were progressing.

Arrived at the notaire's for 2pm to find that the gas survey revealed that there was only one pressure limiter on the gas tank, and not the regulation two. Butagaz would rectify this foc.

However, this issue meant that the notaire had to pause proceedings for 7 days for us to be able to change our mind about buying the property... That's right, a minor problem which could be rectified for free, on rented gas equipment, meant that we could pull out. We could not jump the 7 days and had to wait.

The vendor had had enough (as had we!) and we decided to proceed none-the-less and took possession of the keys. However, due to work commitments, I cannot be present to sign on Friday, so our agent required power of attorney. Which the notaire (who's cockup this was) tried to charge for the privelege. Ultra slimey French bureaucrat style. He was told were to go!

So we have the keys, and have spent a fortune kitting it out - but it's not ours until Friday banghead
What about VEF you paid them to sort out all this you said in earlier post do you not have some form of redress from them?
So glad you still got the keys to crack on with your plans.


Original Poster:

48,616 posts

251 months

Thursday 15th November 2007
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neil-f said:
What about VEF you paid them to sort out all this you said in earlier post do you not have some form of redress from them?
So glad you still got the keys to crack on with your plans.
The VEF agent is tearing his hair out at the Notaire - the blame lies squarely with him as that's what we paid the notaire for, although I agree that VEF really should have been on the ball too.

As no harm was done, we're happy to let it lie.

Tomorrow, we officially become house owners!

Thanks all for your support - I look forward to a meet up somewhere. Maybe at Chateau Charly!!?


49 posts

260 months

Thursday 15th November 2007
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The French certainly know how to make things difficult. Buying our place and setting up businesses here, we have too many stories to mention. We are slowly getting used to the idea that you cant beat the system and just have to roll along with it at half speed!!!

No probs for a meet up here, would be glad to arrange something if there is any interested parties.

Time to relax and enjoy your new home mate!