Bullsh1t Bingo



Original Poster:

19,706 posts

206 months

Wednesday 1st April 2009
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There I was, thinking BB had all but gone away as words fall into disuse (or popular parlance) but I've just sat through a meeting where one delegate could have single-handedly made me a BB millonaire (sic). In fact, I'd take a punt on him having been challenged prior to the meeting to include a buzzword (see what I did there?) in every single sentence he uttered.

Amongst all the old favourites, a couple of new terms made themselves known. I give you, for your delectation and sport:

"Unpack", as in "we need to unpack this financial model". No, we need to analyse it.

And my current personal nemesis: "Zeroise", pronouced "Zero-ise". Or, we could just reduce the quota of the given entity to zero. Zero-ise, my @rse.