Help! Any PH legal types around?

Help! Any PH legal types around?



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21,537 posts

245 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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I've just got a debt recovery notice for car tax on a car I sold about 18 months go. It would appear the DVLA or the post screwed up and the logbook never transferred and, seems I've moved house in the meantime, the first I heard of it was when the credit agnecy tracked me down.

So what are my options?

It seemed like a no-brainer - the DVLA screwed up, therefore they'd have to withdraw the demand, but it seems that somewhere in the small print it states it's my responsibility to ensure the log book is sucessfully transfered. I really don't feel like paying for the combined cock up of the DVLA and the new owner as there was no attempt to cheat the system, I simply wasn't aware it hadn't gone through.

What do you reckon?


Original Poster:

21,537 posts

245 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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Just dug out another V5 and sure enough it does say it, but I can't honestly remember ever getting a letter to confirm a sale before and I've sold a few!

I guess the best option is to write the DVLA a polite but firm letter and see where it gets me. I don't really think it's fair, so definitely worth a go at contesting.

The second thing is what to do about the new owner - he must surely be wondering where his logbook is? I don't have any contact details for him I don't think, but if I can get in touch I'll happily speak to the DVLA and get it transferred into his name ...for an £80 admin fee.


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21,537 posts

245 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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AndrewTait said:
tonyvid said:
Chris71 said:
Just dug out another V5 and sure enough it does say it, but I can't honestly remember ever getting a letter to confirm a sale before and I've sold a few!

I guess the best option is to write the DVLA a polite but firm letter and see where it gets me. I don't really think it's fair, so definitely worth a go at contesting.

The second thing is what to do about the new owner - he must surely be wondering where his logbook is? I don't have any contact details for him I don't think, but if I can get in touch I'll happily speak to the DVLA and get it transferred into his name ...for an £80 admin fee.
And how did he tax it?
That is just the OP's point. By the looks of it, the new owner hasn't taxed it!

To be fair it's a very minimalist kit car. It may well be track day only or kept off the road in the winter months or something, but still I'm not desperately happy about the fine. You'd think he'd wonder where the log book was, even if he didn't notice the task disc had expired. To compound matters, had I not moved, I suspect the original reminder would have found me before it came to this.


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21,537 posts

245 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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Jasandjules said:
However, did you send the log book slip part off recorded delivery or proof of posting? That would be useful if you did so you can prove you sent it and that the feck up is on the part of the DVLA.
I'm sure I did, but it was a year and a half ago now. I was staggered that I actually managed to dig out the reciept for the sale let alone anything else.


Original Poster:

21,537 posts

245 months

Wednesday 1st April 2009
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Right, sending copies of this by recorded delivery to both the DVLA and the ballifs:

Ref: Sylva Leader XXXX XXX / case no xxxxxx

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am alarmed to have received a debt recovery notice for the above vehicle which I sold over a year ago. The paperwork was sent off to the DVLA immediately after the sale.

I was not aware of any problems with the sale whatsoever and I have since changed address. As a result the credit company’s letter was the first indication I have received of any issues. Had I been aware of the situation I would have addressed it immediately (despite no longer owning the car).

I am keen to assist the DLVA in any way possible in resolving this matter, but I do not believe the fine is fair or appropriate.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours Faithfully,