What's happened to Pie & Piston?

What's happened to Pie & Piston?



Original Poster:

40,601 posts

243 months

Monday 6th April 2009
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If you are reading this then you may well be wondering what has happened to the Pie & Piston, well at least the Pie & Piston as you know it smile

The good news is that it lives on and if you leave this forum you will see a whole new section we have created under the P&P banner that includes forums for a selection of topics as well as a new 'lounge' area for other matters. This area has been created with the intention of making the Pie & Piston an easier and more pleasant forum to use.

Many topics have already been moved to the new forums and you will be able to find these by using the search facility, however if you find a topic listed below that you would like to comment on then you still can. When you click 'reply' on any of the topics below then you will be offered the chance to move the topic to the most relevant new forum and the topic will be activated ready for your new post. All we ask is that you do your best to move the topic to the RELEVANT forum and not just to the 'lounge' area. Remember that all topics in here are available to read at any time and will not be removed meaning you are still free to read many years worth of Pie & Piston content.

We hope you enjoy the new format and if you want some more detail on the new forums you will find a sticky thread at the top of the new P&P forums.