Tech support query - childish but fun

Tech support query - childish but fun



Original Poster:

5,614 posts

258 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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I received an email today, from a client wanting an email account set up. Its April 1st tomorrow, so I'm technically a day early. According to custom, we are supposed to confess to those we pranked by lunchtime on April 1st.

She didnt seem to twig when I mentioned the "By lunchtime tomorrow" comments, nor when I started spouting utter drivel and technical claptrap.

I make no excuse for her atrocious spelling.
Conversation went as follows:

Hello Mobsta

Can you tell me if I get an email address with my website. I know your hosting it but for e.g I need an email address to give to enquirers i.e something like info@***************
Can you advice please.

ME: Just send over the password you want to use for that address, and we will set up the account right away for you.

password - xxxxxx
I hope this is free of charge LOL
Thank You

ME: Im afraid its £75 per email address, or £150 for three. Ive already set it up for you, so there is no turning back. Shall I send you the invoice now, so you receive it in time, by 12 tomorrow lunchtime?

No Mobsta I didnt ask you to go ahead with this, I was marely asking if I had an email address
You should have given me a quote and let me decide if I wanted you to go ahead with this
Please dont do anything until I agree

Hi ******

Its too late. What is done is done. There is no turning back, as I said. An email address, like a diamond, is for life!

Any misunderstandings on this matter will be charged at £25 per misunderstanding. Misunderstandings take up valuable time you see. Unless we can resolve this by tomorrow lunchtime, the £75 will become £100, plus vat of course.

I hope you understand.


Ok Mobsta, fine, there has been no misunderstanding on my part!!
Invoice me £75 end of discussion.

Can you also confirm that this is a one off payment please?

Hi ******,

Its a quarterly payment, billed at £75 per month on a 12 month rolling contract, increasing by £1 per 150 emails sent. The charge is validated because our dedicated server is simply as good as severs get. Powered by Hotpoint, it features the latest TurboCamel-on-Conveyer power backup supply, a Gayed Array, 256 Gigatrumpets of Ham, A double duplex quad-core processing flange, and will deliver your emails faster, more powerfully, more accurately and with less spam than any other system outside of the UK’s top supermarket ISP’s or military bases. Its virtually instant, able to send 12.5 emails every fifty seconds, and has won performance based awards.

Our clients are all very happy with our system, and usually opt for three addresses. Would you like me to set up another two for you?

No thank you! I am not happy with your charges and as you didnt go through the prices or charges before offering me the email address I refuse to pay for something I was not aware of!!

Please DO NOT set up another 2 email addresses!!!!

I was going to email her saying our T&C's stated that we had the right to charge anyone for anything without having to quote them first, and that her original contract verified this, but figured that was about enough tech-crap for one woman to take in a day hehe


17,887 posts

207 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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5,827 posts

195 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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Did she actually say "LOL"?

You should have charged her!!


2,929 posts

246 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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Errr, so you've done an april fools day prank, but not on april fools day? Hilarious. That wouldn't have been funny even if you had done it tomorrow.


4,072 posts

191 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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Mobsta said:
256 Gigatrumpets of Ham


9,339 posts

222 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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Mobsta said:
Powered by Hotpoint, it features the latest TurboCamel-on-Conveyer power backup supply, a Gayed Array, 256 Gigatrumpets of Ham, A double duplex quad-core processing flange, and will deliver your emails faster, more powerfully, more accurately and with less spam than any other system outside of the UK’s top supermarket ISP’s or military bases. Its virtually instant, able to send 12.5 emails every fifty seconds, and has won performance based awards
I thought it was a pretty horrible prank until I got to that bit, which is just hilarious!!!


Original Poster:

5,614 posts

258 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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Slagathore said:
Did she actually say "LOL"?

You should have charged her!!
If she hadn't said "LOL" I wouldn't have bothered.
Come on! £75 for an email address? £25 for a misunderstanding?
Well I thought it was amusing hehe


4,474 posts

287 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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Is she actually a client of yours? Or your employers? Pretty bizarre mate!


90,809 posts

258 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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How many clients do you lose in, say, the average week...?


57 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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You should roll with this, might get a fortune out of her wink


509 posts

193 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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Is she a customer (for now) or do you know her?

Could you please post her reaction when she finds out you put her through this crap for your entertainment?

TBH if some tt of a salesman tried this crap on me, I'd pull him through a meat grinder, wallet first.

HTH smile

King Herald

23,501 posts

219 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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Mobsta said:
I received an email today, from a client wanting an email account set up. Its April 1st tomorrow, so I'm technically a day early. According to custom, we are supposed to confess to those we pranked by lunchtime on April 1st.

She didnt seem to twig when I mentioned the "By lunchtime tomorrow" comments.....
Hmmmm, I wasn't aware that you had to 'fess up' to pranks by any particular time.

Still, it is quite humerous though. hehe


3,588 posts

192 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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funny, but come on, its not even April Fools yet.

It doesn't count by saying tomorrow. Or else, you could just say "in 2 weeks time" 2 weeks ago.

I would have love to seen her reaction in person though smile


44,558 posts

200 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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I'm waiting another eight minutes to pull a prank on another forum. I'm waiting because, it's not April 1st yet.


9,642 posts

261 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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Ouch! I wouldn't take that stance with my clients.


1,321 posts

206 months

Wednesday 1st April 2009
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Original Poster:

5,614 posts

258 months

Wednesday 1st April 2009
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Blib said:
I'm waiting another eight minutes to pull a prank on another forum. I'm waiting because, it's not April 1st yet.
Sod that Rubbish.

What are you lot then, funeral directors? hehe

King Herald said:
Mobsta said:
I received an email today, from a client wanting an email account set up. Its April 1st tomorrow, so I'm technically a day early. According to custom, we are supposed to confess to those we pranked by lunchtime on April 1st.

She didnt seem to twig when I mentioned the "By lunchtime tomorrow" comments.....
Hmmmm, I wasn't aware that you had to 'fess up' to pranks by any particular time.

Still, it is quite humerous though. hehe
I reckon the 12:00 fessing up rollocks was invented by parents long ago, simply to spoil the fun.

Regardless of the day/time, the client in question shouldn't have a working website or email, given that her hosting payment is 85 days overdue coffee


2,058 posts

247 months

Wednesday 1st April 2009
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Seems like a pretty good one to me but to coin the old adage... it's all in the timing!

With that said, there does seem to be a serious sense of humour shutdown by most of the commentators here!

Don't worry they are probably only those with no cars in their profiles and/or those who post nowt but negatives in all the new car articles here on PH.


3,713 posts

186 months

Wednesday 1st April 2009
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matt0677 said:
Is she a customer (for now) or do you know her?

Could you please post her reaction when she finds out you put her through this crap for your entertainment?

TBH if some tt of a salesman tried this crap on me, I'd pull him through a meat grinder, wallet first.

HTH smile
Very well said sir!


17,887 posts

207 months

Wednesday 1st April 2009
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isee said:
matt0677 said:
Is she a customer (for now) or do you know her?

Could you please post her reaction when she finds out you put her through this crap for your entertainment?

TBH if some tt of a salesman tried this crap on me, I'd pull him through a meat grinder, wallet first.

HTH smile
Very well said sir!