iTunes & a replacement PC

iTunes & a replacement PC



Original Poster:

7,704 posts

294 months

Wednesday 25th March 2009
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Hello all,

I have a iPhone connected to a PC whose hard disk went West.

Now have replacement hard disk, rebuilt O/S and backup at the ready.

Any tips on how to put the backup on the rebuilt pc before attaching the iPhone? I know it's a tricky bugger and may say "would you like to wipe everything you've bought"?

I thought of installing iTunes from the web, then overlaying all the iTunes directories from restore, then firing up iTunes, then plugging in.

Sound about right?




5,614 posts

265 months

Wednesday 25th March 2009
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You probably know this, and it doesnt answer your question, but the junk you snatched from the appstore can be downloaded again for free, I found out this week. My hard drive is fine, but itunes/iphone has managed to delete my entire 'everything' twice, on two different phones - cant stand it/dont like using it irked

G'luck! smile


8,528 posts

251 months

Wednesday 25th March 2009
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I used Musicrescue to recover iTunes with the music from the iPod.


16,296 posts

214 months

Wednesday 25th March 2009
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The only thing I hate about my iPod is that fudging program!!
I use my cheaper drag-and drop sansa thing a lot more now so I don't have to piss around with iTunes. Then every month or so I'll do a "mass update".