


Original Poster:

1,281 posts

267 months

Wednesday 15th December 2004
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I have to make a presentation to a class of about 20 people at University tomorrow.
I have rehearsed the presentation and think I have prepared well. It should last 30 - 45 minutes.
I am quite nervous as I have never done anything like this before. I thought I would be OK, but I was nervous when I rehearsed it to a housemate!
Any tips and tricks?



4,468 posts

252 months

Wednesday 15th December 2004
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alan_driver said:
Any tips and tricks?
Pick one person at the back of the room and give the entire presentation to them. Works wonders.


Original Poster:

1,281 posts

267 months

Wednesday 15th December 2004
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But they won't like it! I wouldnt like it anyway if the person was staring at me!


90,809 posts

265 months

Wednesday 15th December 2004
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You don't have to stare AT him......

Just over his head will do.

Remember they're all just one person really.

And 99% of people in your position feel exactly the same as you do, including that lot in front of you.

So relax and GET SOME SLEEP......NOW.


8,837 posts

258 months

Wednesday 15th December 2004
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If your heart starts racing....tell them you've got a galloping heart...and gulp down all the water that's available

They;ll be shocked....and thinks it's part of the presentaion


7,740 posts

290 months

Wednesday 15th December 2004
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Imagine them naked, no sorry, that's interviews, or is it just Mungoitis?

Hope it all goes well!


90,809 posts

265 months

Wednesday 15th December 2004
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Looks like they shot him.......

2 Smokin Barrels

30,815 posts

245 months

Wednesday 15th December 2004
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mybrainhurts said:
Looks like they shot him.......

or perhaps they were all naked after all?

simpo two

87,740 posts

275 months

Wednesday 15th December 2004
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Practice it out loud a few times.
Keep the words to hand so you can use them if you need them.
Don't hurry it - try to be natural and ad lib if you want to: you won't remember all the words anyway.
Address the middle distance but make the odd eye contact around the room to keep them awake.
If you need to pause between sections to get yur bretah back and remeber what comes next, that's fine. Nobody's expecting a newsreader.


90,809 posts

265 months

Thursday 16th December 2004
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Errr....Yoo hooo.....too late by a day.


Original Poster:

1,281 posts

267 months

Thursday 16th December 2004
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Sorry not replying earlier. After the presentation I went to work, then a club, only got up at 1pm then went to pizza hut. (student life is great)

The presentation went really well thanks!
The PC crashed half way through but I turned it into a bit of a joke.

So thanks for the advice. Much appreciated.