It's not just me, is it?

It's not just me, is it?



27,428 posts

282 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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Plotloss said:
So there you are, on the motorway, at natural cruising speed of perhaps a bit over the posted limit but south of ban territory - standard median pace on our motorway network.

Boring isnt it?

So I bet my bile duct that at least one other person out there on PH has resorted to the odd motorway 'game'

Two to start with:

1) The 'changing lane without hitting the catseyes' game: A solid favourite this, simply change lane in the prescribed manner but without the 'thump thump' of catseye/tyre interface.

2) The 'wingman' game. You're trudging along, traffic fairly light, not gunning it. All of a sudden a car passes clipping along, probably North of 100mph, do you just let him go or do you give him about half a mile and then accelerate to his speed considering that if there is a cop/scamera van with a gun they'll get him first and the brake lights will alert you to the dangers thus allowing you to travel quickly a bit freer from opression.

Its not just me is it? Come on, share the love. Any more for any more?
Of course, everyone does this. It is surprising difficult not to hit a cats eye with the rear tyres when changing lates 'normally'. Obviously swerving like a loon to do so is considered bad form.


950 posts

197 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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randlemarcus said:
Absolutely, Plotters.

I usually refer to the other Game 2 participant as a Goat, after tethered goats, and this one can continue on non-packed motorways for some considerable distance. Which is sad itself, as if I notice a tailing car of any description, I usually come back to legality until I get a positive ID.
Wow, Thought it was only me who did this. Also when overtaking a "suitable" unmarked BiB wagon (i.e BMW Touring or Volvo etc.) I draw up parralell and give them the once over before heading on my way.


Original Poster:

67,280 posts

273 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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sa_20v said:
Plotloss said:
sa_20v said:
Why not do us a favour and try the 'drive the wrong way' game? rolleyes
Only if you tell me exactly where you're going to be when I attempt it.

Just so I can be absolutely sure of lowering the cock quotient.
You'll manage that on your own - you don't need my help. Anyway, with all your posts, how do you find time to drive - I sometimes wonder whether you're actually a basic automated bot cooked up in Ted's lair.
And I often wonder if you're an internet fantasist masturbating in a pool of their own faeces; guess we'll both be kept guessing.


13,204 posts

207 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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Thats not a wingman, thats a fall guy!

A wingman if you are to be one, is to keep pace with the car infront, helping him or her to overtake slower moving traffic by moving into the overtaking lane(s) and a light flash to let them know they can go too. Or warning of faster moving traffic coming through. Not getting close enough that you should have overtaken and left them too it, you're both at the same pace and settling in for a long stint

pimpin gimp

3,287 posts

203 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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Tony*T3 said:
55,000 odd posts mate. WTF do you do?
If he is who I think he is, then he answers everyones queries on AV systems!


63,161 posts

208 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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Plotloss said:
So there you are, on the motorway, at natural cruising speed of perhaps a bit over the posted limit but south of ban territory - standard median pace on our motorway network.

Boring isnt it?

So I bet my bile duct that at least one other person out there on PH has resorted to the odd motorway 'game'

Two to start with:

1) The 'changing lane without hitting the catseyes' game: A solid favourite this, simply change lane in the prescribed manner but without the 'thump thump' of catseye/tyre interface.

2) The 'wingman' game. You're trudging along, traffic fairly light, not gunning it. All of a sudden a car passes clipping along, probably North of 100mph, do you just let him go or do you give him about half a mile and then accelerate to his speed considering that if there is a cop/scamera van with a gun they'll get him first and the brake lights will alert you to the dangers thus allowing you to travel quickly a bit freer from opression.

Its not just me is it? Come on, share the love. Any more for any more?
Yup, all of that.

sleep envy

62,260 posts

252 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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Geezer-20v said:
Also when overtaking a "suitable" unmarked BiB wagon (i.e BMW Touring or Volvo etc.) I draw up parralell and give them the once over before heading on my way.
also I guesstimate the maximum you can pass them without getting tugged

dirty boy

14,728 posts

212 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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Missing cats eyes, try to do that all the time, I don't purposefully change lanes to play the game, but when I do, I try to miss them.

When cruising, if there's little about, I like to keep the limit + 10%? but if someone's prepared to go faster, I may follow.

Martial Arts Man

6,614 posts

189 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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aclivity said:
Plotloss said:
So there you are, on the motorway, at natural cruising speed of perhaps a bit over the posted limit but south of ban territory - standard median pace on our motorway network.

Boring isnt it?

So I bet my bile duct that at least one other person out there on PH has resorted to the odd motorway 'game'

Two to start with:

1) The 'changing lane without hitting the catseyes' game: A solid favourite this, simply change lane in the prescribed manner but without the 'thump thump' of catseye/tyre interface.

2) The 'wingman' game. You're trudging along, traffic fairly light, not gunning it. All of a sudden a car passes clipping along, probably North of 100mph, do you just let him go or do you give him about half a mile and then accelerate to his speed considering that if there is a cop/scamera van with a gun they'll get him first and the brake lights will alert you to the dangers thus allowing you to travel quickly a bit freer from opression.

Its not just me is it? Come on, share the love. Any more for any more?
I do 1), never thought of 2).

I was wondering at the weekend if MLM Laps needs a formal rule book. I managed 3 laps of one MLM, but it was quite heavy traffic and I don't think they noticed.

I also make up words as anagrams of registration numbers. Bit sad this one, you have to use a bit of license on the numbers / letters - 1 is I or L, 4 is A, 3 is E, 5 is S, after that you have more flexibility, 8 can be E or O, for example. Private plates don't need anagrams, they always say the same thing to me biggrin
I do that too.....I must be odd. I also try to, using any mathmatical symbols, equate the numerics to 0 or 1. No idea why.

I think I need help.

Lord Pikey

3,257 posts

218 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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I do both plotloss, but my motorway journeys are normally about 300 miles, sometimes you get the same wingman for most of that distance.

Its kinda cool in a gay top gun kinda way.


4,108 posts

234 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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Plotloss said:
sa_20v said:
Plotloss said:
sa_20v said:
Why not do us a favour and try the 'drive the wrong way' game? rolleyes
Only if you tell me exactly where you're going to be when I attempt it.

Just so I can be absolutely sure of lowering the cock quotient.
You'll manage that on your own - you don't need my help. Anyway, with all your posts, how do you find time to drive - I sometimes wonder whether you're actually a basic automated bot cooked up in Ted's lair.
And I often wonder if you're an internet fantasist masturbating in a pool of their own faeces; guess we'll both be kept guessing.
That may be, but either way it's apparent I have a life outside PH, whilst clearly you do not! hehe


2,005 posts

188 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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Lord Pikey said:
I do both plotloss, but my motorway journeys are normally about 300 miles, sometimes you get the same wingman for most of that distance.

Its kinda cool in a gay top gun kinda way.
+1 hehe

Stay in his slip stream to save fuel then vise versa - Its quite gay though as you over take each other a few times.

Camaraderie wink


10,578 posts

205 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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My driving instructor when I was 17 once mentioned that he liked to use his left foot on the accelerator when on the motorway cruising - have tried this once or twice on an empty motorway but not confident enough to master right foot on the clutch/brake and it's not really comfortable frown


18,597 posts

239 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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Always play the wingman game, it's just a pisser when the bloke you're following is a bit 'fick' and doesn't react at all to being zapped by a mobile gatso thing. That's happened twice to me and it makes you want to go and tell the guy to pay more fking attention when you're following him biggrin


25,282 posts

265 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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I definitely do the cats-eyes thing hehe

Also the "most number of miles without touching the brakes" game.


13,387 posts

256 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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I always try to never use the brake pedal when on the motorway


Original Poster:

67,280 posts

273 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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Not stopping forward motion, at any time, is another.

sleep envy

62,260 posts

252 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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Plotloss said:
Not stopping forward motion, at any time, is another.
in traffic queues


Original Poster:

67,280 posts

273 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
quotequote all
sleep envy said:
Plotloss said:
Not stopping forward motion, at any time, is another.
in traffic queues
Or coming up to lights.

Famous Graham

26,553 posts

228 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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Plotloss said:
V8mate said:
Tony*T3 said:
55,000 odd posts mate. WTF do you do?
After 55,000+ posts, you'd think he'd know that this thread should be in GG wink
Its not related to cars specifically.

Truckies could be playing the advanced version of the cats eye game and I suspect the odd biker or two has played the wingman game.
I'm not sure I'd want to be anywhere near a truck that is crossing the lanes fast enough to get their huge wheel between catseyes eek