Fast Coupes Of The Eighties And Nineties

Fast Coupes Of The Eighties And Nineties



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Sunday 16th June
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"Some of life"s greatest surprises are to be found down the Pub and not all of them unpleasant" was an old Bricklayers favourite saying . Inevitably he would always say this when some mouthy Labourer got himself a punch in the mouth for his "lip" on a Friday afternoon in our Glasgow local . As I have gotten older I have began remembering these little details from the distant past . In fact I can barely remember what happened yesterday but ask me about 40 years ago and I can remember every detail . I was in the Local yesterday attempting as a Scotsman does to avoid the football when I got into the company of a retired School Headmaster friend who began talking of Cars he had owned before letting slip he had something "tucked away" at home which he was now intending to put back on the road .This something tucked away turned out to be a 1997 Vauxhall Calibre 4x4 turbo a car from the distant past that somehow I had completely forgotten aboutbiglaugh This surprised me a bit as I have a bit of form when it comes to Coupes having owned a 1994 Rover 220 Turbo back in the nineties which to be fair was pretty crap . I had lusted after a G60 Volkswagen Corrado but sadly at the time lacked the money the local Dealership was demanding so my quickest way to 200bhp was the cheaper Rover .These Coupes at the time were good for 150mph which was Cosworth territory and effectively beyond what most "hot hatches" were capable of yet even now they aren't big money . I don't believe my Headmaster friend is overly concerned with future values but what a lovely thing to have tucked away in the garage ?


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Sunday 16th June
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KGF with another pretty Coupe albeit from a later period . Audi TT starting to become desirable , it would surely need to be in 3.2 form rather than 180 or 225 . For me the latter models have a chavtastic air to them ?


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Sunday 16th June
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Tickford had a hand in the Calibra too , possibly their most bland styling exercise especially in white . I love the Aston Style Winged Badge on the glovebox . You could have fun with some of those Aston Boys when you attempt to claim something in common biglaughbiglaugh

Edited by reddiesel on Sunday 16th June 11:00


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Sunday 16th June
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4s n Zer0s said:
Was the SAAB 900 3door a coupe ?...well when it first appeared as a 99 it was named Combi coupe so nearly .
The 16V turbo in Aero form ,1984 launch , was a decent quick car .
I can't remember if SAAB called the 2 door saloon 900 a coupe too ,also launched 1984 but not in turbo or 16V form for a couple more years .

BMW 3 series 2 doors morphed into coupes with the E36 , the E30 was never referred to a coupe in 2 door form .

I bought a Puma brand new in 1998 ,not fast but a good drive for a FWD Fiesta in a coupe body , the Racing had only about 25 extra BHP but looked sensational and the handling and brakes were suitably uprated .The price was also something else ,those Tickford guys weren't cheap .
The Saab for me back then was a sort of " Architects Choice " for want of a better phrase . People that appreciated design and functionality and owned coffee tables with books on . Did the GM takeover destroy that ? I think it probably did .


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Sunday 16th June
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PomBstard said:
Not sure if it’s quite in line with the OP, but two of the archetypal coupes from the late 80s and early 90s must be the Porsche 944, and its copycat Mazda RX7 (FC). Others would be the Starion, 180SX, Silvia, Celica

Going up a size brings in the 928, 300ZX, A70 Supra, BMW 6-series, and Merc SEC.

But not many from outside of Germany or Japan. Perhaps a Skoda Rapide?? biggrin
BMW have gamely struggled on with the Coupe but in my humble opinion have never recaptured the delicacy of the Seventies CSL . I must admit when I originally posted I was thinking of more "working class" manufacturers than Porsche or indeed Jaguar with their XJS but you are quite right of course , the RX7 was an interesting thing .


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Sunday 16th June
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Wacky Racer said:
Bit before, but here was my brand new 3 Litre Capri in 1978;

£4250 new.

You were the man I stood on the pavement admiring at 15 years old determined that Thatcherism and the closure of the surrounding mines wasn't going to deny me a future owning cars like yours . A lovely memory for you and thanks for sharing it .


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Sunday 16th June
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Sunday 16th June
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Some interesting thoughts regarding the Calibra from an Owner


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Sunday 16th June
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Panamax said:
What you really need is a Ford "Probe". Or perhaps not.

Few people will remember the Probe even existed in the 1990s. It was Ford's version of the Mazda MX-6 and a well styled 3-door FWD coupe with pop-up headlamps - so there should have been a lot to like. But everyone wanted a RWD 2-door BMW instead and sales fell way below Ford's expectations.

Mind you, Ford then followed up with the even less successful Cougar - essentially a Mondeo coupe.
My brother in law had a secondhand Probe a 16V model I believe . I think to the British Public they were just that bit too American in their execution . Dennis Hopper I think did the Cougar publicity on Television . Did Ford ever view these as a Capri successors ? The Public I think never did .


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Sunday 16th June
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Did Ford ever do a better advert than that ? love


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Sunday 16th June
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s m said:
A friend of mine owned a K reg Nightfire Red one.

It was pretty quick to be fair and gave one of the early Dakar Yellow E36 M3s a serious scare on the local bypass late one summer evening. Long curving straights punctuated by fast roundabouts

The handling on it/front wheel snatch was improved enormously on it when a circlip caused the demise of the original box and a later 620ti type was used with a much friendlier Torsen diff - certainly a genuine 150mph car
I had it at an indicated 150mph on several occasions in the mid nineties until a driveshaft let go one night at speed and that frightened me .
I traded it for an E55 at Evans Mercedes who at that time were the Mercedes agent in Milton Keynes . I was out with an ebony beauty who I was dating at the time and we were both stunned to see the Rover labelled as "Car of the Week" on Evans forecourt . Great times .


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Monday 17th June
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The Corrado seemed to disappear just as quickly as the Calibra did and given the VW propensity for longevity I always found that pretty surprising . 205 1.9 GTI strictly speaking was a Hatchback but what a machine ! I got rid of an RS Turbo Escort ( the most crap car I ever owned useful only for pulling birds) to the late Tony Moore of Rickmansworth Sports Cars (anyone remember him ?) in exchange for a 1.9 GTI (H486TNG) . It was the only car up until then that I immediately wanted another of but sadly Production had ended shortly afterwards .


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Tuesday 18th June
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5 In a Row said:
I'm lucky enough to have a Fiat Coupe turbo (owned 20 years) although its been in storage for the last 7 years.

A mate had a D reg Sud Sprint when we were younger, it was a nice car but no faster than my MG Maestro EFI or another mates Volvo 360 GLT.
The Sprint got new front wings not long after my mate bought it and they were starting to rust when he sold it 3 years later.

To the OP - if you're from Glasgow you probably know a town called Cupar from trips to the beach at St Andrews biggrin.
There's a green Calibra V6 becoming part of the hedge in someones front garden there.
I periodically saw it around town until about 3 years ago but it had a blowing exhaust so I suspect it'll be heading to the scrappies eventually.
I would have thought there will be a few Fiat Coupe Turbos laid up in storage awaiting increasing values . I remember the publicity for the final editions often in Blue or Black with red brake callipers and those lovely alloy wheels that only Italian Carmakers produce .


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Tuesday 18th June
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Turbobanana said:
The daddy of them all:

When I was a young sales exec, the used car site I worked had a "pole position" right at the front, adjacent to a busy dual carriageway. I always tried to have something a bit tasty on that spot.

Another branch took in a beautiful 560SEC in a similar colour to the one shown. They were going to send it to auction but I managed to convince management that I should be given a week to sell it. I collected it, marvelling at its refinement and seatbelt butlers.

I placed it on pole position at 5pm, with an optimistic price sticker, and went home.

Next morning I arrived at 8am to be greeted by a gent who asked, "Am I too early to buy the Mercedes?".
You must have been pleased with yourself getting the SEC shifted . Forrest of Paisley was an Animal Slaughtering concern and its owner and his wife had a pair of these and that was the first time I saw the Model in the flesh . Solid , Imposing and Over Engineered was my initial impression . Many years later browsing one in a Classic Car Garage it seemed to have lost much of its stature and I don't really know why


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Tuesday 18th June
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Stick Legs said:
They have been mentioned a few times.
They were pretty crap and as in the OP I hold up my hands to owning one . Memorable only for being my first 200bhp car which for some reason I regarded at the time as a milestone for a performance car and also the first time I travelled at an indicated 150mph . Its funny that admitting to doing those sort of speeds nowadays feels a bit like admitting to being a child abuser , society completely abhors anyone travelling at speed in a vehicle and I often wonder what these sort of people are doing on Pistonheads but sadly they are amongst us .,The candidates for being my two biggest disappointments in my car owning history would be the Rover 220 Turbo closely followed by the 1989 Escort Turbo .


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Thursday 20th June
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Dapster said:
I had one exactly like that too! Top Red, black cloth, pop out sunroof - only mine had the original teardrop alloys. Bought it from an BA 747 pilot - he advertised it in the Autotrader and I went round to his impressive pile in deepest Oxfordshire. His wife had popped out unexpectedly so he was left holding the baby - literally. He couldn't accompany me on the test drive with his newborn on his lap, nor could he leave the baby with my mate who had come with me, so he stayed at home and let me go on a test drive on my own - a total stranger in his immaculate MR2!

Anyway I bought it and share every one of your comments - zingy engine, snikety gearchange and superb mid engined handling. I did manage to loose it giving it too much welly off a wet roundabout and slid about 200 m sideways up the A329(M). I was trying to impress a girl who just went white as a sheet and remained so for the rest of the journey. Unlike yours, mine had absolutely no stories to tell!
There must be a whole Thread waiting to be written about Blokes , Cars and less than impressed Girlfriends
My own involves a TVR Cerbera that suffering from a “bad earth” point blank refused to start anytime a female was present along with a club or restaurant . Inevitably you would call her a cab whilst ignoring some kid in a souped up Nova on the usual pisstake


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Saturday 22nd June
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Have we had the Subaru SVX yet ? I only ever met one person brave enough to part with his money and that was Stephen Conway who owned the Jewellers shop in Milton Keynes Shopping Centre . Some years later running into him driving a Mercedes SL500 I inquired after the Subaru . After a litany of failures most involving the Gearbox and a difficulty in sourcing parts he claimed to have traded it for "ten bob" against the Mercedes .To give him his due he was philosophical about the experience . Anyone have any experiences of the SVX , there cant be many of you ?