The Ultimate Sierra Cosworth?



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Sunday 9th June
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Wonderful looking machine but they must be open to offers at this sort of money ? I always admire the way KGF put down the history of these Fords , almost like the sale of a Picasso or a Degas , automotive art .

Edited by reddiesel on Sunday 9th June 20:10


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Monday 10th June
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I honestly don’t get these People that cant understand the price being asked . These are the Ford Ferrari , better built and less of them . A golden age for Ford in Britain that won’t be seen again .


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Monday 10th June
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Mark A S said:
Well, I don’t get it at all TBH. Ridiculous price IMO.
Yes, I have owned 2 x Cossies back then and drove a standard RS500, nice cars, good in the day, but harsh engine, laggy, rubbery G change, of its era indeed.
In the late 90’s I owned my first Evo, a 6, a MUCH Much better car all round, what are they worth these days?

Still, good if your selling I suppose smile
I think the price would have been subject to Offers though in my humble opinion it’s easily worth £250k
I don’t think your perception of how the car drove or didn’t drive back in the day has any relevance to the value and there are plenty of super cars especially from the seventies that were almost undriveable on a day to day basis through either lack of vision or worse still ventilation . If this were a Ferrari achieving this price nobody would bat an eyelid , why should an RS500 be any different ?


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Monday 10th June
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It’s an interesting topic and I suppose many are attempting to spot the next appreciating Ford .
A few contenders though none I think will fetch this money . I am thinking of those blokes over on the Aston channel who ask what’s the etiquette when passing another Aston , flashing lights and suchlike . I suppose the typical Ford owner would instantly ask “is it a rep”?


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Tuesday 11th June
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skwdenyer said:
The RS500 was IIRC £35k when new. If instead you'd bought a flat (or even a house in some parts) of London for that money, you'd have made the same sort of appreciation - but could have rented it out in the mean time for masses of income.

The RS500 would have to fetch way more than £350k today to have been a great investment.
With the greatest respect that's a bit of a nonsense post because few original owners ever bought any Ford for an Investment and secondly most of us were of working class origin and never lived in London . Rest assured if I had bought one from my Glasgow Dealership and had the foresight to enjoy it sensibly and more importantly held onto it then I would be feted in Glasgow as the next Warren Buffet and very happy with my Investment .


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Tuesday 11th June
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Mr Tidy said:
I had a couple of 2.8i Capris in the 80s but by about 1990 Cosworths became uninsurable. I was gutted as that was my obvious next step in Fast Ford ownership!

Then in the mid 90s I went to a track day at Silverstone and my mate took a 2wd Sapphire in Moonstone that I drove for a couple of laps. I was so disappointed with the turbo lag that corners got spikey but then the head gasket let go, like they often did.

He moved it on to another motor trader who replaced the head gasket and fitted a leather interior before he sold it for about £3K!

That's when I realised meeting your heroes can be disappointing, and old cars were probably best experienced in their era!

I can think of so many better ways of spending £350K, like my current house. laugh
You have just gotten older and turned into your sensible Father . biglaugh It happens to most of us .


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Wednesday 12th June
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skwdenyer said:
I was taking about those who *did* buy them as investments. Of which there were definitely some. Where do you think all these micro-mileage RS500s have come from?

I hate to break it to you, but there are lots of working class people in London & surroundings smile And in any case I was talking about investments - plenty of Northerners (like me) who own property in London as an investment without living there!
It’s just my luck that I upset a Northern Plutocrat with property in London (perhaps you are just claiming to be Northern but poor like the rest of us)biglaugh Initially when these were new it’s my guess more were bought to be driven rather than Investments .Sadly genuine Ford Enthusiasts have been driven from the marketplace as the smart money moves in .

Edited by reddiesel on Wednesday 12th June 16:21


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Thursday 13th June
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You won't be surprised to hear I disagree with you on the value aspect especially the Sierra examples and for the reasons I have already stated . I think the car is damned simply for being a Ford . If the RS500 had a more exotic badge attached nobody would blink an eye lid at these rising values .


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Thursday 13th June
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What's the point of listing all these cars above ? My Porsche is a better drive than most Cosworths but so what ? Its not a Cosworth .

Edited by reddiesel on Thursday 13th June 13:22


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Thursday 13th June
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eliot said:
Yeh I get loads of thumbs up and pointing in my moonstone 3dr - even a pair of coppers in a riot van giving way to me at a roundabout.

It’s something I couldn’t afford in the 80’s as a teenager and made it happen now in my 50’s - you’re a long time dead.

there’s still non 500’s about for less than 50k
Well said , I take my hat off to people with your attitude .


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Sunday 16th June
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havoc said:
Now you're gilding the lily. The YB was developed from the Pinto, FFS, and the "motorsport" bit largely consisted of fitting the largest turbo available (quicker/cheaper than developing the engine properly), they've all got a head-gasket habit and even the (rare) homologated/more robust YBD's aren't that reliable above 500bhp. Christ, there are a bunch of people in the US and Japan getting 600bhp from the Honda K20 with stock internals (i.e. fitting turbo, injectors, breathing, ecu), and the Mitsi 4G63 is probably even more robust. Meanwhile the Supra's 2JZ easily hits 1000bhp with just 50% more capacity/cylinders than the YB.

...but as aeropilot said above, these now appeal to those who saw them when they were young and for whom they've always been a poster-car. That I get - been there, done that myself. But please don't try to persuade anyone that they're worth the ridiculous money being asked...that is purely down to their competition history.
Sorry to resurrect this from earlier in the week Havoc but I hadn't noticed your reply until now . I don't think any of the cars you mention would tempt me simply because if I wanted an RS500 then nothing else is going to suffice and that's also true conversely if I wanted a Bentley GT then an RS500 won't suffice either. I also wouldn't expect either car to have the qualities of the other so the better driving characteristics or not is completely irrelevant to a typical classic car buyer . As regards the values of the RS500 I think initially they were certainly in the main bought by enthusiasts who when confronted by rising values based on many aspects from motorsport history to scarcity of supply suddenly found themselves owning an Investment . Doubtless many got out too early and some may even still own them but most I think couldn't predict the extent of the rising value as smart money looked for ways of increasing wealth in a post covid depressed marketplace . Sadly for genuine Ford Enthusiasts like myself who owned a few RS Fords in period it is what it is . Not the reply you possibly wanted but my genuine humble opinion nonetheless


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Sunday 16th June
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Once again I am surprised about some of the posts on here claiming Cosworths weren't a particularly great drive . Its not how I remember it and in the case of the RS500 not how EVO found it either .