How many cars is too many?



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85 posts

57 months

Tuesday 28th May
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Hopefully not to be taken as a "crass" question, but ( in the opinion of the readership )how many ( classic ) cars is the right amount ?

I've been very fortunate to own a lot of classic cars and to a degree find the thrill of the chase to be more satisfying then the actual ownership, however this has never stopped me adding to my collection without selling the previously acquired cars. Recently I got up to seventeen cars and generally found that I didn't actually drive most of them, which is bizarre as I'd dreamt of owning a number of them for years !

Following a recent divorce and house move I've parred my collection down to eight but am thinking of "trying " to get down to five, that I'll actually use. I do like to have at least one convertible, a "hot" coupe , a true sportscar and something else interesting and also a lesser car to use in the winter.

I feel that a manageable number will ensure that I actually use them as intended by driving them and stop continually hankering for something else.

I appreciate it's a bit of a first world problem and hopefully not to be taken the wrong way