Registration of historic vehicles - Government consultation

Registration of historic vehicles - Government consultation


Simpo Two

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86,117 posts

268 months

Saturday 18th May
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Forwarded from my car club who asked for it to be distributed:

FBHVC Consultation

On the 9 May the Government announcement of a wide-ranging consultation about the registration of historic vehicles. Details as follows:

In total, the consultation asks 50 questions in 12 subject headings. It covers all historic vehicles of all types that are represented within the Federation. The FBHVC are seeking club’s and members’ feedback, along with that from our wider supporter membership and community to shape the Federation’s formal response to the consultation. This is a topic of great importance that affects the entire classic vehicle movement.

The consultation offers FBHVC member clubs the opportunity to shape the creation and evolution of policies to preserve our ability to restore, register, and use historic vehicles efficiently and fairly for tomorrow’s roads.
The Federations standpoint can be read through this link:

This could affect all of us in the future so even if you don't read through all the information please, at least, complete the survey through this link:

Please also pass this link on to anyone you think might contribute to this consultation via the survey.

Who knows we might even get the age of Historic Vehicles reduced to 30 years with your help.