Met Police Jaguar S Types



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13 posts

64 months

Wednesday 17th February 2021
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I thought I would share the story of the met police Jaguar s types my dad and I own. My dad has always been into jags since he was a kid. When he joined the met police in 1979 he always wanted to find an ex met s type. But assumed there wouldn’t be any left. He has owned many jags over the years. Mainly mk2s. He saw WGK 448G at a show about 20 years ago and was told by the then owner that it was the only survivor.

About 15 years ago he found one for sale in a classic car magazine, he agreed to go and view the car (I think it was £1500 at the time but needed restoration). Anyway as he was about the leave he got a phone call saying the owner had swapped the car for an e type bonnet.

I was about 15 at the time, we started researching the cars and finding what limited information we could. Then that was it really. About 18 months ago we started looking into the cars again, found out some more information and then stopped. We were an able to find any cars for sale.

When COVID kicked off last March, I got put on furlough. I had nothing better to do so decided to start looking into the cars again. By this time my dad had long given up on finding a car. But still had a keen interest in them so together we set about finding more info.

This time I had a lot more luck. I was finding more period photos. Searching dvla databases etc. Finding cars we didn’t know still existed. I stumbled across a forum thread of a chap who had an ex met car (KYU 362D) who also informed us he knew that KYU 364D still existed and was sat in a garage untouched for near 30 years. We have since seen both of these cars and met both owners. Neither cars were for sale though.

We managed to get in contact with all but one of the owners of 6 cars which are restored to service condition. They were very helpful and we gained more information on the cars.

We were still yet to find one for sale though.

Then my dad was contacted by a chap who was not far from San Fransisco. Who believed he had an ex met s type. We were sent photos and it was definitely an ex met car. Still with the original number plate on the car.

The met police s types were registered

KYU ***D
NVB ***E
SUU ***F
WGK ***G

This car was NVB 269E. We made an offer on the car which was declined.

In the meantime we spoke to a chap called Brian who owned a fully restored, beautiful black area car SUU 441F. This had a bare shell restoration over the course of 17 years. And was built back to exact police spec, how it was when it left the factory.

We went to look at this car purely to see what a totally original one was like. A lot of money and years had gone into this car and it wasn’t for sale.

In the meantime we had an email from California saying that if our offer for NVB 269E still stood then we could have it. Neither of us had imported a car before so I rang a friend who has and got the details of a shipping agent. I stored everything out with the agent, made all the payments and the car was collected. Put onto the ship and on its way to us.

In the meantime we wanted to go and have another look at the restored area car SUU 441F. My dad had some conversations with him, about wether he would sell. We didn’t think he would. We went over there and amazingly we managed to strike a deal for the car.

Now after 40 years of waiting we have two cars, this was never the plan. But seeing as NVB was already on ship it was too late.

NVB turned up from America fine. It wasn’t on the dvla system so we spoke to the JEC who helped us with registration. We put together the best case possible proving this was the original reg number. To us it was imperative it retained the original number. We got the logbook back fine. And it shows on the dvla system now as untaxed since 1998. Which is when it must have gone to America. We still don’t know why it went over there or who took it over.

So anyway here are some pictures of the cars

NVB 269E

We now know that this was never a marked car and was used for driver training at Hendon. It is a manual non overdrive

SUU 441F

As the plan was never to have two of these cars. We will probably be selling NVB in the spring. Hopefully someone restores her to her former glory. Being a driving school car it’s the rarest of the lot.

Any information or pictures people have on these cars would be great to hear/see. We know a lot about these cars but we don’t know everything.


Original Poster:

13 posts

64 months

Thursday 18th February 2021
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Bob the Cop said:

(We managed to get in contact with all but one of the owners of 6 cars which are restored to service condition. They were very helpful and we gained more information on the cars. )

Did you get in contact with Ernie J ? He owns the Jag in this picture and had just bought back the P6 which is currently being restored.

Yes we have spoken to Ernie multiple times. Very helpful


Original Poster:

13 posts

64 months

Monday 22nd February 2021
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lukeharding said:
Lovely! If you do end up selling NVB I might be interested. It is the sort of car that is right up my Dad's street.
Feel free to send me a pm if you are interested


Original Poster:

13 posts

64 months

Monday 22nd February 2021
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lukeharding said:
I did give that a try but I think your profile is set to not allow them as it just gives me an 'oops' message.
Send me an email mate


Original Poster:

13 posts

64 months

Wednesday 17th August 2022
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SUU 491F was a driving school car. This is the photo I found taken at Hendon with the the reg numbers of all four jags clearly visible. Uploading the picture onto here has lost some of the quality but the car on the end is SUU 491F, I’m happy to email the better quality version onto anyone who wants it.


Original Poster:

13 posts

64 months

Sunday 22nd October 2023
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As requested here are some pictures of KYU 419D. The car is in fairly rough shape, it’s going to want sills and arch work, the o/s front chassis leg above the front subframe is fairly bad. It’s got some rot in the floors, this is just from a quick look over. There will obviously be more.

It is definitely saveable and I have restored more rotten cars than this in the past. But it’s a lot of work, along with the fact it’s been sat for probably 40 years it is a going to need everything.

Anyway here are a quick few pictures of the car.

And some pictures I have of the car when in service


Original Poster:

13 posts

64 months

Wednesday 25th October 2023
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Some pictures of SUU 480F


Original Poster:

13 posts

64 months

Saturday 11th November 2023
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