Exposed gubbins



Original Poster:

25,764 posts

246 months

Thursday 11th November 2004
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well pushrods and wotnot, all nicely displayed to the exterior of the block.

So whats that all about, cash saving, easy to maintain,or just to be different. How on earth do these things keep lubricated ?

Its a strange but wonderful world this prewar motoring


Original Poster:

25,764 posts

246 months

Friday 12th November 2004
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Nice pic's, thats some lurid slide on there, could'nt have saved that one

Comes to something when the lady of the home feels I'm safer in the Griff' than a pre war jobbie but I am going for it, just a question of right car right money and selling 'grimbo'

Going back to exposed pushrods, thinking about it the tolerances in the engines must have been well slack and the racket on engine start up a whole new world awaits
Have to admit I'm a bit concerned about a test drive, having never driven something pre war, could be embarrasing.


Original Poster:

25,764 posts

246 months

Sunday 14th November 2004
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Reading your account of 1st drive and coupled with my own reservations about this, me thinks I will need lots of practice before I take on my 1st pro' wedding drive otherwise I can just imagine it crunch, boing boing crunch