classic as a first car?



Original Poster:

4,028 posts

240 months

Saturday 6th November 2004
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I'm 17 at the minute, but by the time I can afford my first car I will be 18. Obviously insurance is a big problem, as is the price of the first car, for which I would be looking at about £500, although if I could get something more interesting, I might save up a bit more, up to £1000.

I like the idea of a classic, simpler so less stuff to go wrong, and when it does, probable easier to fix, and with less in the way of driver aids, I would perhaps be forced to learn better car control.

So, any suggestions for a classic that fits that (no more than £1000 - only needs to be mechanically sound, no need for it to be perfect), reasonable insurance (about similar to a early ninties 1.4 escort), sorry but no minis. Also, if I did get a classic, preferably RWD, to help learn a bit more.

Mark 1/2 escorts are a possibility, any other suggestions out there?


Original Poster:

4,028 posts

240 months

Sunday 7th November 2004
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Thanks for the suggestions everyone, they all seem good, I did consider a land rover but I came to the conclusion I wouldn't be able to afford to run it, as I'm only a student. I will certainly look into most of them. Thanks.


Original Poster:

4,028 posts

240 months

Monday 8th November 2004
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Thanks for the suggestions, although I can't afford a car at the moment, it is useful in helping me get an idea of how much more I need to save up to get a more interesting car, which interestingly is not much more than for an early nineties 1.4 escort in most cases. Quite a lot of them have gone on my list (even a mark 3, 2 litre capri - little different in price of car and insurance to aformentioned escort), as well as some others me and my family have thought of.

It's certainly a list that shows me how much it is woth hanging on for a few months to save up instead of getting a rustbox fiesta.

Watch this space