Goverment antics ?



Original Poster:

25,764 posts

246 months

Sunday 21st November 2004
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Are we going to witness an onslaught to our beloved 'classics' by this Goverment ?

Do they see them as polluting gas guzzling anarchy or for what they are and represent.

Over to you


18,535 posts

249 months

Sunday 21st November 2004
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I feel Europe is more of a threat than a British government myself.


1,293 posts

241 months

Sunday 21st November 2004
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Pigeon said:
I feel Europe is more of a threat than a British government myself.

Don't know about that Pigeon; there are far more classic cars in France and Germany than in Britain, and they tend to drive them a lot more over there, probably because the weather is kinder.
So the EU has a fight on it's hands if it takes on the French and German classic drivers.


Original Poster:

25,764 posts

246 months

Sunday 21st November 2004
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Completely wrong maybe, but I get the impression that Blair sees himself as the torch holding angel of all things good and mighty according to the EU. (Bit of politics) Its us? that seems to want to lead Europe on so many issues, which is what concerns me over our classics issue. Having said that it will be a brave Goverment in attempting to curtail our passion on classic motoring (foxhunts) and many other issues currently.

Yesterdays Heroes and politics at our peril.


27,646 posts

261 months

Sunday 21st November 2004
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I have this nasty feeling some time in his next term someone's going to try and place restrictions on what we can drive where, starting with 4x4s, then the sports cars, the classics and so on.

Problem is, when that happens, it'll open a can of lentils, and we'll find out what it's like to be a foxhunter. To the average numpty, anything other than a Eurobox is 'unnecessary', a bit like using dogs on foxes instead of guns, if you catch my drift.

I just hope we get a lot more vocal than we are now!


18,535 posts

249 months

Sunday 21st November 2004
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Pigeon said:
I feel Europe is more of a threat than a British government myself.

Don't know about that Pigeon; there are far more classic cars in France and Germany than in Britain, and they tend to drive them a lot more over there, probably because the weather is kinder.
So the EU has a fight on it's hands if it takes on the French and German classic drivers.

Interesting, I didn't know that. I'd always assumed that classic car owners "over there" had a much harder time with restrictive regulations which our government had fended off - though not directly related, this sort of thing:


1,395 posts

246 months

Monday 22nd November 2004
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A couple of years ago I read an article which said that some university had done research into 'old car V new car' impact upon the enviroment. It came to the conclusion that if your 1977 fiesta engine was adjusted correctly, then replacing it with a new car would need you to run the new car at maximum efficiency for 25 years before it could make up for the energy/pollution created by it's manufacture.

How would bLiar argue with that?


18,535 posts

249 months

Monday 22nd November 2004
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In the same way that the TRRL's findings that road damage is proportional to the fourth power of axle loading were "dealt with": sweep it under the carpet, forget it ever happened, promulgate an opposing view backed up with a combination of posturing and bad science. Any so-called "green" initiative that actually gets as far as legislation seems to turn out on analysis to be "magenta" and driven by capitalist rather than environmental benefits. I'd class the unleaded petrol and catalytic converter thing under this heading.