Shine V Flakey



Original Poster:

222 posts

244 months

Friday 19th November 2004
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With such a huge choice of classics available do you opt for the fully restored car or go for the well used look.

I th8ink I shall opt for the restored car myself as I'm hopeless at restoration unfortunately.


1,395 posts

246 months

Friday 19th November 2004
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Unless you enjoy the actual restoration work, Buy a shiney one. It'd cost a fortune getting someone else to do the work (and I know!)
Look long and hard before buying.

Balmoral Green

41,200 posts

251 months

Friday 19th November 2004
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My current car is a bit shiny, but my last one, a '49 MKVI Bentley was the scruffiest looking old bus you ever did see. But it meant I could leave it out around town late at night, and I could sit on the roof in a deckchair at race meets.

I like scruffy, shiny take a lot of upkeep.


18,218 posts

269 months

Friday 19th November 2004
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As the owner of a very shiny car I agree with Balmoral Green. Shiny is a liability. Nice liability to have though.

Coco H

4,237 posts

240 months

Monday 22nd November 2004
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Handsome is as handsome does ....prefer something that performs well but a touch tatty


1,395 posts

246 months

Monday 22nd November 2004
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The important part is underneath. If it's good and solid then it doesn't make much difference what the paint etc looks like. The problem is that usually (not always) the top reflects the standards of the bottom.
I've had rough paint (still got it on one!) with good below, but I've also had rough all over and it costs money to sort out.


18,535 posts

249 months

Monday 22nd November 2004
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I'm definitely one to spend more effort hosing crap off the underside and just giving the top side a quick wipe over. Same with engines. I once gave an old bike to a mate and his comment after stripping it was that the outside looked like crap, but the inside looked like new.