Ultra rare mk 1 Escort at upcoming auction

Ultra rare mk 1 Escort at upcoming auction



Original Poster:

447 posts

191 months

Thursday 23rd July 2020
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Lovely thing, not overly restored or a garage queen. Wonder what it will achieve at auction.


Original Poster:

447 posts

191 months

Friday 31st July 2020
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Looks like the Escort failed to meet its reserve at auction today. It got up to £42k which was significantly lower than the estimate. Did seem like a odd auction to sell it in, all sorts of bric a brac (read as tat) and I think the only car in the entire auction.


Original Poster:

447 posts

191 months

Monday 3rd August 2020
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And another rare(?) expensive mk 1 Escort



Original Poster:

447 posts

191 months

Sunday 9th August 2020
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Someone thought it was worth the money as it sold last week for £51k......



Original Poster:

447 posts

191 months

Sunday 23rd August 2020
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aeropilot said:
Legacywr said:
aeropilot said:
s m said:
Should go well with that power

All that money for all that spec...........and they can't be arsed to put on a proper set of Minilties.

£125k for an Escort with Revolution wheels rofl
Silly price, whatever!
Well, yes, it is a ludicrous price.

I'd prefer this more period looking Twink for half the price....and nice with the 'identity' having a Broadspeed history as well.

Or maybe an RS2 in need of some love.....



Original Poster:

447 posts

191 months

Tuesday 1st September 2020
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Some of the KGF cars seem hideously overpriced, this looks less so but I’d be interested in knowing what the Escort aficionados make of it.



Original Poster:

447 posts

191 months

Saturday 12th September 2020
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I started this thread as I’ve always had an affection for mk 1 Escorts. I’ve loved what I’ve found out along the way.
Although it wasn’t anything special, my first ever car was a mk 1 Escort, back in 1988. And I’ve found the only pic I have of it today whilst up in the loft!


Original Poster:

447 posts

191 months

Sunday 13th September 2020
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Mark A S said:
AL5026 said:
I started this thread as I’ve always had an affection for mk 1 Escorts. I’ve loved what I’ve found out along the way.
Although it wasn’t anything special, my first ever car was a mk 1 Escort, back in 1988. And I’ve found the only pic I have of it today whilst up in the loft!

And look what you have started wink

Good choice of first car, me to at 18, albeit 10 years before you smile
And if only I knew then what I know now, it went to the scrappy after 6 months of ownership due to terminal rust. So wish I’d kept it.


Original Poster:

447 posts

191 months

Monday 28th September 2020
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Now I’m no expert but I thought the mk 1 RS1600 had the bda engine? So why would someone swap it out for a zetec on a full resto like this......


Assuming that it is actually an RS1600


Original Poster:

447 posts

191 months

Thursday 1st October 2020
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Only been on eBay for a day and it’s already at £30k. Any ideas on what it’ll go for and is it overpriced?


Original Poster:

447 posts

191 months

Thursday 1st October 2020
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aeropilot said:
AL5026 said:

Only been on eBay for a day and it’s already at £30k. Any ideas on what it’ll go for and is it overpriced?
What strange wording for the ad title confusedlaugh

Looks OK apart from he's clearly fitted the wrong springs at the rear by the way its sitting so high up...eek

Its got the wrong wheels as well for a Dec 72 build code.

I'll be surprised if it goes above mid-30's.
Top beardage. I love the detailed information, I think I read another response from you in an unrelated thread regarding door cards? clap


Original Poster:

447 posts

191 months

Sunday 4th October 2020
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Your level of knowledge on this thread continues to astound me clap

aeropilot said:
MuscleSedan said:
You seem to know about these things aeropilot - why does everyone say AVO Aveley when it was in South Ockendon ?
Aveley Plant was its official Ford title before it became AVO, so its the name Ford used after it became AVO and everyone else continued to use as well.

Sorry for the poor quality photo, but here's a photo I took in March 1984, of the original Ford signage on the factory from when AVO OC got permission from Ford to run an autotest for club members in the car park of the old AVO factory.

I think the Ford factories there were built before most of what is now South Ockendon was built, so nearby Aveley being the larger town/village and thus was the name they applied to it. Subsequently, the estate around it that became South Ockendon got built up to provide housing for the workers, but Ford retained the original name.
Pretty sure from now dimming memory that was the chain of events.........

Now all of it long gone of course to make way for more housing frown


Original Poster:

447 posts

191 months

Wednesday 7th October 2020
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Interesting that it was never taxed beyond its first year on the road? I’m guessing it was used for its explicit purpose of rallying hence the tax running out in November 1978!

Mark A S said:
I know, it's a MK2, but if genuine, a Very rare one.
That's some price !



Original Poster:

447 posts

191 months

Wednesday 7th October 2020
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I’d genuinely love to know the back story to it. Some going if it’s been sat in a garage for over 40 years. I’d like to imagine someone jacking up a knackered old garage door on a tatty lock up and finding that inside!!!

aeropilot said:
AL5026 said:
Interesting that it was never taxed beyond its first year on the road? I’m guessing it was used for its explicit purpose of rallying hence the tax running out in November 1978!
Except, what sort of rallying, as a multi venue stage rallying and road rallying needed to be taxed and MOT'd etc.
I have a feeling that was even the case for single venue rallying as well, but wouldn't 100% swear on that, even though all the people I co-drove for had road registered and taxed cars.

Sounds like it got laid up at just 1 year old for whatever reason, and it's been laid up in a garage ever since.
Maybe it was stolen and recoved (engine bits etc nicked) and returned to the owner who put it in the garage and never got around to doing anything with it.
One owner, barn find car perhaps.....?


Original Poster:

447 posts

191 months

Wednesday 28th October 2020
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Finishing shortly but it’s got a couple of bidders against each other, it seems.....



Original Poster:

447 posts

191 months

Saturday 31st October 2020
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Now this is the car I’d love to own. Not sure my wife would agree though!!


Awaits aeropilot’s critique on its authenticity......


Original Poster:

447 posts

191 months

Tuesday 10th November 2020
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aeropilot said:
Little Pete said:
Sold for £45300. I thought it would do more than that to be honest.
Bottom end of top price range in current climate I would say.

I'd love to know what the marked out reg number is though.
I believe the VIN is BB49KL11059. Not sure of that helps?


Original Poster:

447 posts

191 months

Tuesday 19th January 2021
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Unusual colour scheme but what’s it going to sell for.....



Original Poster:

447 posts

191 months

Saturday 6th February 2021
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Is it as rare as the advert suggests? Hence the £70k price tag? Edited to add. Doesn’t have its original engine.


Edited by AL5026 on Saturday 6th February 09:26


Original Poster:

447 posts

191 months

Friday 12th March 2021
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So what’s the prediction for this, already at £25k.
