Classics dwarfed by moderns



Original Poster:

963 posts

245 months

Sunday 27th March 2016
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MGJ2 said:
Oops, sorry for posting the picture of my MG J2 next to a Grand Cherokee. I really thought that it was about posting pictures of a classic car that is dwarfed by a modern car... My mistake, sorry again.

FYI: in the first post (ie: the spirit of the original post) there is a picture of an AC 3000 with a tall Polo and a vast Focus. Not really the same segement, is not it?
I loved seeing your MG next to the Jeep smile As created there was never an agenda or segment aim to this thread, nothing will cheer me more than someone posting a Brutsch Mopetta next to modern Maybach - polar opposites in market segment!


Original Poster:

963 posts

245 months

Saturday 16th July 2016
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4rephill said:
but being dwarfed by an American pick up truck isn't really what this thread is about!
Yes it is - move on!


Original Poster:

963 posts

245 months

Tuesday 14th August 2018
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That 7 is a Series 4 so at best is 44 years old!