Lets see a picture of your classic(s) [Vol. 2]

Lets see a picture of your classic(s) [Vol. 2]



11,990 posts

148 months

Sunday 6th March 2022
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Mr Tidy said:
Escort3500 said:
Progress is usually, er, sedate at best smile
No need to rush when the car looks that good. thumbup
Thanks. It’s very much like driving a motorised sofa, though the handling is fairly good for its era. It’s an auto too, which makes it even more wafty laugh


2,458 posts

54 months

Sunday 6th March 2022
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stang65 said:
I had a Midget for quite a few years and I'm 6ft2 and was about 14.5-15 stone. There's plenty of room once you're in but you do look a bit odd threading yourself through the tiny doors. There's a technique to getting in you'll soon learn - left leg in, then bottom, then right leg, and you may need to use your hands to pull your right leg up depending on how flexible you are. If you fancy one then try it as they're great fun, but awful on motorways like many small engined sixties cars (although mine was '70s).
This ^^^^
If you get a chance try one. Ridiculous fun. I have a '78 1500 - it's like a gokart on the road and probably the cheapest classic toy around.
I'm 5'7" on a good day with tiny feet which helps. But a mate in Canada has an identical car (except LHD) and she's 5'11" and drives in skirt and heels.
I don't know how she gets into the Midget, but I'm pretty sure it's something I'd like to watch.
Even for me getting in is a wriggle even though my seat is all the way back, but I got used to it quickly.


3,458 posts

206 months

Monday 7th March 2022
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Sticks. said:
2Btoo said:
I was being slightly controversial, but Porsche's attempts to give all their range a similar look from the front really didn't work with the 968. That looks like someone has surprised it by shoving a banana up it's bottom.

However it's all immaterial; you won't ever see that view while driving it and it should be a corker on the roads. I hope you enjoy it! smile
At the risk of stating the obvious, the whole point of pop up headlights is (the enhancement of) the car's looks when they're down.
VERY good point, thanks! beer
Chunkychucky said:
Are you actually mentally deficient, or are you honestly yet to see a G80/G82 M3/M4 in the flesh..?
Another good point Chunks. Perhaps that's the point of this thread; how progress has made things worse in so many ways.


18,194 posts

269 months

Monday 7th March 2022
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stang65 said:
Chunkychucky said:
Awesome pair cool Frogeye looks lovely, always had a soft spot for them but worry as a broad-shouldered '6 footer' that those and Midgets may be a bit snug for me frown
I had a Midget for quite a few years and I'm 6ft2 and was about 14.5-15 stone. There's plenty of room once you're in but you do look a bit odd threading yourself through the tiny doors. There's a technique to getting in you'll soon learn - left leg in, then bottom, then right leg, and you may need to use your hands to pull your right leg up depending on how flexible you are. If you fancy one then try it as they're great fun, but awful on motorways like many small engined sixties cars (although mine was '70s).
I tried a Midget and found it impossibly cramped (6'1"). I then tried a GT6 which I found spacious and comfortable, by comparison, and bought.


6,892 posts

245 months

Tuesday 15th March 2022
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JohnnyUK said:
Chunkychucky said:
JohnnyUK said:
Here is my odd couple....nerd

Awesome pair cool Frogeye looks lovely, always had a soft spot for them but worry as a broad-shouldered '6 footer' that those and Midgets may be a bit snug for me frown

It's a tiny car - and I'm only 5' 8" - I have to take my shoes off to drive it as the pedals are so small! biglaugh
I like those two - my friend used to have a Midget and he always maintained that it felt like lying in a coffin and in case of accident it just needed the lid to be fitted!

As for the S4, well I’m now v familiar with just how big they are - this is now parked at Chez PB, and whilst it’s not much smaller inside, it’s footprint is significantly less - I can walk around it whilst it’s in the garage!

Obvs picked the rear view so as not to frighten those of a nervous disposition… biggrin Will get some better photos up when I’ve got time


1,337 posts

155 months

Tuesday 15th March 2022
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5,407 posts

86 months

Tuesday 15th March 2022
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Yertis said:
Rostfritt said:
Scrump said:
Not really sure how you are supposed to quote when a thread gets a new volume. But LunarOne posted this:

Is that one of the new retro style Blaupunkt stereos? Are they any good? I am wondering whether to blow £400 on a stereo in a car I rarely use.
I've been looking at these. I think the cost is about the same as fixing my actual SQR46 (tape transport broken) but I'm not sure it's a simple plu-and-play. The original Toronto uses weird old plugs, from what I can see this modern unit comes with modern ISO plugs. I refuse to chop into my loom but haven't (so far) been able to find the correct sockets for the original plugs to go from DIN to ISO.

First world problems etc.
A late reply but it may be worth checking Continental out. Their stereos look subdue and 90's, plus they're well priced. Likely the way I'll go instead of the Blaupunkt, although I guess it depends on how much you like the OEM look of the Bremen unit



6,892 posts

245 months

Tuesday 15th March 2022
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aaron_2000 said:
A late reply but it may be worth checking Continental out. Their stereos look subdue and 90's, plus they're well priced. Likely the way I'll go instead of the Blaupunkt, although I guess it depends on how much you like the OEM look of the Bremen unit

Oddly enough, I've just been looking at these for my car too. Its currently got a 20yo Becker Mexico CD fitted which looks and sounds great, but I need a Bluetooth phone connection - Continental seem to be where all roads lead for that 90s look at a reasonable price.


94 posts

39 months

Tuesday 15th March 2022
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e600 said:
Cool, that's a funny looking old car, what is it, some sort of special or kit car? It looks like it's rivetted together, did you make it yourself?


26,563 posts

176 months

Tuesday 15th March 2022
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Notso said:
e600 said:
Cool, that's a funny looking old car, what is it, some sort of special or kit car? It looks like it's rivetted together, did you make it yourself?


2,131 posts

158 months

Tuesday 15th March 2022
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Notso said:
e600 said:
Cool, that's a funny looking old car, what is it, some sort of special or kit car? It looks like it's rivetted together, did you make it yourself?
Ha... that'll probably upset a few folk... If you're genuinely asking; E Type Jaguar, probably a very expensive example.


6,012 posts

172 months

Tuesday 15th March 2022
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Notso said:
e600 said:
Cool, that's a funny looking old car, what is it, some sort of special or kit car? It looks like it's rivetted together, did you make it yourself?
Nice rofl


3,809 posts

206 months

Tuesday 15th March 2022
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Does this count? It's twenty this year.


26,563 posts

176 months

Tuesday 15th March 2022
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finlo said:
Does this count? It's twenty this year.[url]
That probably explains why the suspension's knackered then.



9,359 posts

222 months

Tuesday 15th March 2022
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Doofus said:
Notso said:
e600 said:
Cool, that's a funny looking old car, what is it, some sort of special or kit car? It looks like it's rivetted together, did you make it yourself?


1,337 posts

155 months

Tuesday 15th March 2022
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Notso said:
e600 said:
Cool, that's a funny looking old car, what is it, some sort of special or kit car? It looks like it's rivetted together, did you make it yourself?
Side on might provide a better clue as to heritage.


94 posts

39 months

Wednesday 16th March 2022
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Thanks. It does look like a Jaguar E-type at the front and your garage lists a Linda Nocker (who was she?) Jaguar E-type so that must be it but not heard of it before. Looks cool.


4,438 posts

82 months

Wednesday 16th March 2022
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It's Lindner- Nocker , the owner has spelt it wrong in his garage .

Use Google for more info .

And it's not a woman !


4,293 posts

227 months

Wednesday 16th March 2022
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I ran these two at the same time for a few years in the 90s.

The Turbo Esprit was always my bedroom poster car and owning one was fabulous. Everything about it was as good as I'd hoped it would be every time I drove it. I still think they look otherworldly.

The Midget on the other hand was a huge mistake. It was an impulse purchase agreed on a warm summer's evening after a great weekend of pottering around the Lancashire countryside in it enjoying country pubs and getting gently sun burnt. That nice feeling never happened again and I think I disliked everything about it.

Takes all sorts


2,131 posts

158 months

Monday 21st March 2022
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Just put the '72 Pinto up for sale, so released it from its captivity in the garage for a wash and vacuum...
This was going to be my "daily" whilst I built a custom van, but Covid put paid to that idea and it just hasn't been used.
Last time out was back in October (hence selling), when it had to perform emergency duties for a mate after a motorcycle accident. The good old fashioned soft suspension and ride come into their own when you're transporting someone with broken ribs and shoulder bones. Anyway, it fired up with no drama and ran pretty well, other than a slight stutter at lower rev's. Took it for a spin "'round the block" and stopped for pic's in a handy gate way.