Lacking Enthusiasm...



1,778 posts

73 months

Thursday 16th May
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Sideways Tim said:
We have a little time on our hands today, so heading to the Musee 24h Le Mans. Alençon for our final night in France tonight if all goes according to plan.
Wind the 2CV up on the Mulsanne straight! I was doing about 130 around a part of the track once and was saved by an old lady in front of me going slow and then as we came around a bend there was a Police camera!

Loving the updates, I must get a road trip planned!


12,967 posts

216 months

Thursday 16th May
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I only live five miles away from the museum! Pity I didn't know. You can drive a large part of the track if you want. On coming out of the museum, at the lights turn right, go under the bridge and pass by the bar, then next right. Go to the end of this road and turn right and head for Mulsanne. you'll do the whole of the Mulsanne straight and at the end, if you turn right, you'll get to Indianapolis and Arnage and rhe road then takes you past the Porsche curves and back to the museum.


626 posts

168 months

Thursday 16th May
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lowdrag said:
A few years back the gendarmes were forewarned that the Cannonball was about to come to France. Two cars, a Ferrari and a Porsche, were stopped forty miles into France and the cars confiscated to be sold at auction for State funds. One went to the auction and bought his car back, the other didn't. About ten years back, maybe more, there was a thread on PH about a chap with a brand new California having been stopped at the highest speed recorded, over 300 kph. I got involved in this and at court it was proven that the car was a company one, not his personal car, and he was ordered to pay €1,500, the highest then possible, but the State could not keep the car. We then went to the garage where the car had been stored and since the owner had been rather less than friendly I explained the situation to the garage owner and managed to double the storage costs. I was then paid in cash as well. I heard a year or so later that he went back across to Calais and was swiftly turned around and sent back to the UK because he was still banned from driving in France.
Intriguing lowdrag.

Do you mind me asking how you got involved in the case and how did you manage to end up getting the car storage fees doubled?


6,467 posts

204 months

Friday 17th May
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lowdrag said:
I only live five miles away from the museum! Pity I didn't know. You can drive a large part of the track if you want. On coming out of the museum, at the lights turn right, go under the bridge and pass by the bar, then next right. Go to the end of this road and turn right and head for Mulsanne. you'll do the whole of the Mulsanne straight and at the end, if you turn right, you'll get to Indianapolis and Arnage and rhe road then takes you past the Porsche curves and back to the museum.
We did exactly that last summer, then swung back round and headed to the "infield" for a McDonalds on the retail park at Maulsanne - because hungry children rolleyes

Sideways Tim

Original Poster:

905 posts

189 months

Friday 17th May
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Killing time (and my will to live) in St Lo, before hitting Cherbourg for our ferry home. Nice drive through a forest on the way here though. All is well so far!


39 posts

39 months

Friday 17th May
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Rumdoodle said:
Last September was my first visit to Angouleme for the races. I'm going back this year. The artwork was great. I've been trying to find out where to buy a copy of this one of the police pulling over a nun in a Ferrari (shades of The Cannonball Run). If you see it in a shop window, let me know!
Dingo is the nickname of the photographer, he's well know in France for his collaboration since 40 years on classic cars magazines in France, maybe you could try sending him an email :

Mark A S

1,861 posts

191 months

Friday 17th May
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Sideways Tim said:
Killing time (and my will to live) in St Lo, before hitting Cherbourg for our ferry home. Nice drive through a forest on the way here though. All is well so far!
Hope all goes well on your final leg, and Thanks for the updates smile


12,967 posts

216 months

Friday 17th May
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I think you went through what is known as "Suisse Normande". Happy crossing and return.

Sideways Tim

Original Poster:

905 posts

189 months

Friday 17th May
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We are all aboard. No dramas, 2CV and Lotus have both performed brilliantly. Half hour drive to Dorset off the ferry and then we head back to Cheshire tomorrow. To say I’m looking forward to my own bed would be quite the understatement sleep

We have done some driving, seen some sights, eaten both good and bad meals, had some lovely hotels, some not so lovely, some glorious weather and some downright biblical and only one mechanical issue. I’ll post the full mileage when we get home tomorrow, but suffice to say it’s been an epic trip!

Thanks for all your words of encouragement when I originally posted. There’s a chance that without you guys I could well have chickened out and missed a trip of a lifetime.

Roll on the next one!

Edited by Sideways Tim on Friday 17th May 17:18


1,888 posts

132 months

Friday 17th May
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I was expecting a couple of weeks down and the same back, with an extended break in Gib/Southern Spain.

All done and dusted in 20 days, I think you need to take something a little more sedately next time.

21st Century Man

41,200 posts

251 months

Friday 17th May
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I had a 2CV as my daily for 7 years, bought as a mint original one owner car with just 12,000 miles on it, advertised as probably the best original 2CV on sale in the UK, and they were probably right. After 7 years and 60k though it had deteriorated a fair bit, but I sold it on for more than I paid for it.

I don't think it's a t-shirt I'd get again, much like my 15 years of Turbo R ownership, but I'm sorely tempted.


805 posts

23 months

Friday 17th May
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daqinggregg said:
I was expecting a couple of weeks down and the same back, with an extended break in Gib/Southern Spain.

All done and dusted in 20 days, I think you need to take something a little more sedately next time.
Same here. If driving a 2CV across several countries is a manifestation of a lack of enthusiasm, what's he like when he's excited about something?

Sideways Tim

Original Poster:

905 posts

189 months

Friday 17th May
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Rumdoodle said:
daqinggregg said:
I was expecting a couple of weeks down and the same back, with an extended break in Gib/Southern Spain.

All done and dusted in 20 days, I think you need to take something a little more sedately next time.
Same here. If driving a 2CV across several countries is a manifestation of a lack of enthusiasm, what's he like when he's excited about something?
Time was our only constraint on this trip. The next one will be much more relaxed. And planned by me hehe

Mr Tidy

23,047 posts

130 months

Friday 17th May
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Sideways Tim said:
We are all aboard. No dramas, 2CV and Lotus have both performed brilliantly. Half hour drive to Dorset off the ferry and then we head back to Cheshire tomorrow. To say I’m looking forward to my own bed would be quite the understatement sleep

We have done some driving, seen some sights, eaten both good and bad meals, had some lovely hotels, some not so lovely, some glorious weather and some downright biblical and only one mechanical issue. I’ll post the full mileage when we get home tomorrow, but suffice to say it’s been an epic trip!

Thanks for all your words of encouragement when I originally posted. There’s a chance that without you guys I could well have chickened out and missed a trip of a lifetime.

Roll on the next one!

Edited by Sideways Tim on Friday 17th May 17:18
Well it certainly sounds like you got your enthusiasm back. thumbup

If you ever find it flagging again just remember how great this one turned out!


12,967 posts

216 months

Saturday 18th May
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And I wonder just how many of us are wondering if we should buy a 2CV?

21st Century Man

41,200 posts

251 months

Saturday 18th May
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Chris Harris, Quentin Wilson, Jonny Smith, all 2CV owners.


2,030 posts

24 months

Saturday 18th May
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lowdrag said:
And I wonder just how many of us are wondering if we should buy a 2CV?
There is much satisfaction in going out and going ‘even’ slower than the usual culprits, itd have to be an oldie though, our 280 is 1968, lovely step back in time & living in france makes it work, bit like supercar ownership, works in quiet road france.

Theres a big classic show around 9/6 in brantome, 300 odd cars, should be fun if weather ever improves

21st Century Man

41,200 posts

251 months

Saturday 18th May
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The older ones are really slow though. The later 602 with discs is quite useable, can be hustled along the lanes nicely and can sit at 70 on a motorway all day long.

An older car upgraded to a 602 and discs would be cloud9

Sideways Tim

Original Poster:

905 posts

189 months

Saturday 18th May
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We are home. 3812 miles door to door. One flat tyre, one deceased gaiter clamp and a now no longer sticky throttle. I can cope with that. It’s been worth every dead bug that five countries have supplied.

If you ever doubt the efficacy of a road trip, then don’t. Just do it.

Now I just need a holiday to recover sleep


151 posts

74 months

Saturday 18th May
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Can I be the first to initiate a round of applause?
Many thanks for the updates, now plan another, I'm sure many of your readers are thinking of a similar trip, I am.