Lacking Enthusiasm...



4,571 posts

231 months

Sunday 12th May
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Sideways Tim said:
Left Spain on a sour note though, as the parking that I thought meant five hours free, wasn’t. Ticket for a €60 fine curse
The first time I drove to Spain (in my Rover P6) I got a parking ticket on the street in San Sebastián. I was staying with a college friend and asked her how I should go about paying it. She just looked at me like I was crazy. "I wouldn't pay that, and I live here," she said. She thought the chance of them ever tracing me in England was zero. This was 30 years ago however, and she was (still is - I was there again last year) Basque not Spanish and had a rather cavalier disregard of authority! They never did trace me.

Sideways Tim

Original Poster:

905 posts

189 months

Sunday 12th May
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Smashing drive through Portugal and back into Spain. Just landed at our digs in central León. Very odd driving through the pedestrianised old town to get to the hotel parking whistle


8,731 posts

147 months

Monday 13th May
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I must show my wife this - she did the Santiago de Compostela walk a few years ago, twice in fact , and the route goes through Leon. There's a theme for a future trip - pilgrimage by Deux Chevaux ...

Sideways Tim

Original Poster:

905 posts

189 months

Monday 13th May
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Lunch stop whilst waiting for fresh road to re-open, somewhere near Burgos.

Worth the wait for five miles of virgin tarmac…

Edited by Sideways Tim on Monday 13th May 17:28

Sideways Tim

Original Poster:

905 posts

189 months

Monday 13th May
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We have finally hit Bilbao. It’s raining. The hotel was almost impossible to find and we’ve just bought four return tickets on a train to Lord knows where instead of one stop on the Metro to get some grub.

Still, all part of the fun hehe

Sideways Tim

Original Poster:

905 posts

189 months

Tuesday 14th May
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Getting out of Bilbao was tedious. North coast of Spain done, just outside Biarritz for lunch now…


7,812 posts

156 months

Tuesday 14th May
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Sideways Tim said:
Worth the wait for five miles of virgin tarmac…
Why haven’t the contractors just lobbed a couple of shovels full of tarmac straight into the pot holes like they do here?


6,467 posts

204 months

Tuesday 14th May
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LotusOmega375D said:
Sideways Tim said:
Worth the wait for five miles of virgin tarmac…
Why haven’t the contractors just lobbed a couple of shovels full of tarmac straight into the pot holes like they do here?
Unfathomable, isn't it? To think, they could have been finished in half the time. Why bother going to all that trouble to, you know, do the job properly?

Sideways Tim

Original Poster:

905 posts

189 months

Tuesday 14th May
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LotusOmega375D said:
Why haven’t the contractors just lobbed a couple of shovels full of tarmac straight into the pot holes like they do here?
Honestly, it was amazing. They wouldn’t let us on until they had sent a road sweeper along to make sure it was free of loose stones. Proper job!

Sideways Tim

Original Poster:

905 posts

189 months

Tuesday 14th May
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Just landed at our boujee place near Bordeaux. Think Easyhotel/Group4 overnight stay and you’re not far off wobble

Apparently there’s a decent restaurant five minutes walk away though yum

Long but good drive today, it was so nice to hit France and be back in the land of many cafes, boulangerie and pleasant little towns.

Sideways Tim

Original Poster:

905 posts

189 months

Wednesday 15th May
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We’re heading for Mehun-sur-Yèvre today, lunch in Angoulême, which will be nice thumbup


805 posts

23 months

Wednesday 15th May
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Sideways Tim said:
We’re heading for Mehun-sur-Yèvre today, lunch in Angoulême, which will be nice thumbup
Last September was my first visit to Angouleme for the races. I'm going back this year. The artwork was great. I've been trying to find out where to buy a copy of this one of the police pulling over a nun in a Ferrari (shades of The Cannonball Run). If you see it in a shop window, let me know!


6,467 posts

204 months

Wednesday 15th May
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Rumdoodle said:
Last September was my first visit to Angouleme for the races. I'm going back this year. The artwork was great. I've been trying to find out where to buy a copy of this one of the police pulling over a nun in a Ferrari (shades of The Cannonball Run). If you see it in a shop window, let me know!
I hope she doesn't make a habit of speeding.


26,014 posts

196 months

Wednesday 15th May
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Rumdoodle said:
Sideways Tim said:
We’re heading for Mehun-sur-Yèvre today, lunch in Angoulême, which will be nice thumbup
Last September was my first visit to Angouleme for the races. I'm going back this year. The artwork was great. I've been trying to find out where to buy a copy of this one of the police pulling over a nun in a Ferrari (shades of The Cannonball Run). If you see it in a shop window, let me know!
Judging by the blurb at the bottom it's sponsored by the red lion in Angouleme, so asking there is probably worth the effort.


1,778 posts

73 months

Wednesday 15th May
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Turbobanana said:
Rumdoodle said:
Last September was my first visit to Angouleme for the races. I'm going back this year. The artwork was great. I've been trying to find out where to buy a copy of this one of the police pulling over a nun in a Ferrari (shades of The Cannonball Run). If you see it in a shop window, let me know!
I hope she doesn't make a habit of speeding.
How many points on her license? Nun!


12,967 posts

216 months

Wednesday 15th May
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A few years back the gendarmes were forewarned that the Cannonball was about to come to France. Two cars, a Ferrari and a Porsche, were stopped forty miles into France and the cars confiscated to be sold at auction for State funds. One went to the auction and bought his car back, the other didn't. About ten years back, maybe more, there was a thread on PH about a chap with a brand new California having been stopped at the highest speed recorded, over 300 kph. I got involved in this and at court it was proven that the car was a company one, not his personal car, and he was ordered to pay €1,500, the highest then possible, but the State could not keep the car. We then went to the garage where the car had been stored and since the owner had been rather less than friendly I explained the situation to the garage owner and managed to double the storage costs. I was then paid in cash as well. I heard a year or so later that he went back across to Calais and was swiftly turned around and sent back to the UK because he was still banned from driving in France.

Sideways Tim

Original Poster:

905 posts

189 months

Wednesday 15th May
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hidetheelephants said:
Judging by the blurb at the bottom it's sponsored by the red lion in Angouleme, so asking there is probably worth the effort.
Aplogies - did look, but it’s as though the Circuit des Remparts doesn’t exist at present!

The Croque Monsieur at Le Chat Noir are excellent though yum

Sideways Tim

Original Poster:

905 posts

189 months

Wednesday 15th May
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Just arrived at our hotel in Mehun-sur-Yèvre. Lovely place, private courtyard to park in, fabulous old town.

Very heavy rain on the way here, but we have made it. Again the 2CV has done us proud!

21st Century Man

41,200 posts

251 months

Wednesday 15th May
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Not an egg broken smile

Sideways Tim

Original Poster:

905 posts

189 months

Thursday 16th May
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We have a little time on our hands today, so heading to the Musee 24h Le Mans. Alençon for our final night in France tonight if all goes according to plan.