Main dealers and used cars?

Main dealers and used cars?



Original Poster:

1,499 posts

222 months

Sunday 12th March 2023
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Is it just me, or are there far fewer used cars for sale through main dealers than there used to be? Seem to be very slim pickings out there at the moment.

Are the dealers choosing to focus on new cars instead?



Original Poster:

1,499 posts

222 months

Sunday 12th March 2023
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BertBert said:
It might be that there are hardly any used lotuses for sale given they stopped making them, what 2 years ago.

As regards new, I assume that's a joke question?
Am I missing something? They are still making new cars! Albeit not Elise evora exige

Why a joke?!


Original Poster:

1,499 posts

222 months

Sunday 12th March 2023
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BertBert said:
elise2000 said:
Am I missing something? They are still making new cars! Albeit not Elise evora exige

Why a joke?!
Because they've made and delivered about 15 Emiras. 13 of them are for sale in AT.

This is a wind up isn't it?
Where did you come up with that number? As it’s wrong. If not only because there were 20 Emiras on AT recently…

Surprisingly I have better things to do on a Sunday than wind up the lotus forum on ph.

It’s a genuine question!