


Original Poster:

39 posts

225 months

Thursday 23rd March 2006
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Hi all Loti lovers.
Just posted the following on SPEED,PLOD & THE LAW, but as there is mention of my previous cars an Esprit and Elan+2 I thought I'd share my ramblings with you all

OK guys and gals, soapbox time, just something I have to get off my chest (apart from the wife's bra, its killing me!!)

Jeremy Clarkson et al keep banging on about our car hating Government, how dare they, with fuel tax frozen and zero car tax bands and lets not forget zero tax on historic vehicles doesn't this clearly indicate how BBP (Blair,Brown,Prescott) actually love us. I'd even go so far as say that I'm prepared to ignore the Cash for Peerage row to suggest that Blair is knighted for his contribution to our great country (after he is tried for war crimes naturally).

Now lets cut to the chase, the Government positively does NOT hate cars, they love them on an unequivocal scale, their whole economy is based upon how much they can extort out of the beleagured motorist, they merely perpetrate the myth that they hate cars to justify ever more devious and corrupt methods of parting us with our hard earned.

Case in point, they are relaxing the penalties associated with speeding offences, how magnanamous of them surely evidence that they are looking after the motorist. That is until you examine the underlying reasons, there are now so many motorists on 9 points that one more misdemeanour will bring about an automatic ban, good you may say, anyone who reaches 12 points is clearly a danger to society and should be hung drawn and quartered, apart from the vicar recently banned for breaking the speed limit on multiple occasions during the period of one week, a camera had been erected on a stretch of road which was badly signposted, he believed the limit to be 40 when it was actually 30 and he couldn't understand why he kept getting his photo taken!!! And he is not the only one. Now consider this, a huge number of motorists facing a ban, whats going to happen, 1) for a period of say 3-6 months they will no longer be filling up at the pumps and giving an extortionate level of tax to the Chancellor in the process, 2) they will take their car off the road declare SORN, surrender their tax disc and save possibly £90 in the process, the Chancellor is £90 out of pocket, 3) they will suspend or cancel their insurance saving a substantial amount of money on insurance premiums and preventing the Chancellor for collecting IPT (insurance premium tax), 4) they will no longer be using their cars thereby removing any risk of collecting parking tickets and speeding tickets, result less revenue for the good old Chancellor. The Government are not slow to realise when they are cutting off their nose to spite their face, therefore only the balatantly irresponsible or stupid motorist will be hit with a ban, now this is something I wholeheartedly agree with but it does not excuse the corrupt nature of the Government's thought process.

Lets move on to our friendly plod, those brave dedicated individuals who take their lives in their hands on an everyday basis so that we all may sleep soundly in our beds, well do you sleep soundly in your bed? Thought not!!! There was a time when I had real respect for PC Plod, particularly after I was stopped for speeding 23 years ago in my Lotus Esprit S2, having started to say "do you realise what speed I had to go to to catch up with you", he and his woman PC partner spent the next 10 minutes asking me about the car, where is the engine, whats the top speed, how does it handle, rather than a ticket or even a slap on the wrist I was left with the comment "keep an eye out for flashing blue lights in future" and a friendly handshake. Even then for every good cop there was a bad un, whilst diving my 1968 Elan +2 in a line of traffic I noticed a policewoman leap out into the road with her hand held high Hitler style, I thought it very amusing but assumed she was signalling to someone on the opposite side of the road, half a mile further on 4 police cars, blues and twos, screached to a halt in front of my car Sweeney style, I was virtually dragged out of my car and told to wait while they picked up the policewoman further back the road that had apparantly tried to stop me. When she arrived she virtually had steam coming out of her little piggy ears and I'm sure she was frothing from her moustached mouth. First of all she accused me of failing to stop for a pig, sorry police officer, I explained that by the time I had noticed her with her hand held out I was level with her, I had committed no offense and therefore assumed that she was signalling to someone else, she grudgingly accepted that but then accused me of speeding, I said that I was travelling in a long line of cars and not overtaking, as i was doing the same speed as everyone else I could not have been speeding, using all of her 2 brain cells she processed the information and again had to concede. Then she played her trump card, with her smug little face she told me that the reason she wanted to stop me was that I had committed an offence by not having a front number plate, equally smug I led her to the front of the Elan +2 to point out the numbers attached to the grill as it had came out of the factory many years previously. Having scooped her jaw off the ground and realising the only way she was going to get me was by planting cannibis in my car she reluctantly told me to be on my way, no apologies they zoomed off in their pigmobiles to harrass some other innocent tax payer.

That incident probably signalled the decline of my respect for the police, today I consider them little more than glorified tax collectors for the Government, if you are a mugger, burglar, drug dealer, illegal immigrant, rapist or murderer the only chance of being caught is if you are stupid enough to drive an untaxed vehicle, yes its official the most heinous crime you can commit in todays society is to drive an untaxed vehicle and deprive the Chancellor of his wedge. Where I live I see police traps with ANPR (automatic number plate recognition) cameras virtually on a daily basis, and yes it may not surprise you to know that I have fallen foul of them recently. The camera checks your number plate with the Police and DVLA database, so you will be pulled if you haven't got an up to date tax disc or if your vehicle has previously been recorded as being used for the purposes of a crime. So the little old granny that unwittingly purchased her Nissan Micra from Mr Big the local drug dealer can look forward to many happy hours being spread eagled on the bonnet of her car with PC Pervert's gloved hand imbedded in her anus. I can see the long line of grannies itching to buy such a car. Now my vehicle had been declared SORN and I decided to start using it again so I insured the car and on receipt of the cover note I taxed the vehicle, took it off my driveway and was enjoying the experience after a few months lay off, drive though the police road block and waited for the inevitable pull, at least I expected it, now these road blocks are regularly manned by 20-30 police officers and DVLA officials, 4 plod leapt into my path and gesticulated for me to pull over, before I could say good morning I was being read the riot act by plod and a DVLA official advising me that I had contravined the road traffic act or whatever and that I faced prosecution for using a vehicle whilst delaring SORN, having no tax disc and no valid insurance, I immediately retorted "oh you mean the tax disc that I just purchased from the Post Office an hour previously and the insrance cover I had arranged confirmed by the cover note I had in the car." The DVLA moron went away with his tail between his legs and the copper admitted that errors do occur when their database does not update immediately, no apologies though just told to be on my way. The copper tried to justify their tactics by saying that so many people get away without buying a tax disc that they have to do something about it, but said that those that didn't tax their cars were usually involved in other crimes. So the muggers will be caught if they have stolen phones on them, burglars will be caught if they have got TVs DVD players and jewellry, drug dealers with their little packets of cocain and wad of cash, illegal immigrants without a passport and "I'm an Alien" tattood on their forehead, rapists with "I'm a rapist" tattood on their forehead and murderers with a corpse propped up in the passenger seat, will all be stopped and charged with their crimes, well at least they will be done for failing to display a tax disc as they would have to be imbeciles to drive through a police road block with anything other than a legal car and evidence of a crime on their person.

Now the main point of this particular beef, whilst 4 police vans, 5 police cars and about 30 plod were pulling hardened criminals that rip off the Government I found out a couple of days later that the same day as I was pulled over my friends house was burgled only about 1/2 mile from the road block, his neighbour had noticed someone strange loitering in the area and phoned the police, she was told that there were no officers available to attend and they would send a patrol car as soon as possible, no car turned up and the police only attended the following day to take fingerprints. The burglar probably drove past the road block smug at the knowledge he was fireproof with a legal car, makes you sick doesn't it. Yes muggers, burglars, drug dealers, illegal immigrants, rapists and murderers are undoubtedly laughing themselves silly at the lack of police attention whilst if you are a motorist you can expect surveylance helicopters taking pictures of you eating a banana whilst driving.

Any coppers reading this post, for god sake don't you realise the damage you are causing to our society, a force that was once revered is now treated with suspicion and downright distaste by the public and especially the motorist, if you are a law abiding citizen there are two groups you have to be wary off wanting to rip you off the crooks and the glorified tax collectors, thet are both as bad as each other. Recruitment and retention of Officers is apparantly at an all time low, as is morale.

Going back to the car loving Government, I turn to the thorny subject of petrol prices, virtually the highest in the western world, why is this, well its all down to corruption. The Government pays lip service to the motorist who complains at the price of petrol by freezing fuel duty and threatening to make the oil companies pay higher corporation tax taking a slice of their obscene profit margins. Yet it is widely known that the billions in profit made by the oil companies does not originate from the manufacturing of petrol and diesel, their profit margins on that are negligible, the vast profit goes to the Treasury. Even if the Government carries out its threat to impose higher corporation tax it will only be a drop in the ocean to the oil companies, in fact they could make a loss on petrol and pay higher corporation tax and still make profits in the billions. The Government is in the pocket of oil companies and earns a very good living out of the association, this liaison is global make no mistake. Alternative fuels are not in the process of being developed, they have been developed and the oil campanies are making sure they keep them supressed maintaining our dependence on fossil fuels and their monopoly of the market, the Government and indeed all Governments throughout the world, are not only aware of this they actively encourage it and prosper into the bargain.

Just imagine what would happen to the global economy if you were told that you could run your car on a product that produces no emmissions, was very cheap and was a product you could make in your garden shed with simple equipment. If you run a diesel, such a fuel already exists, waste oil from restaurants can be distilled, actually that is too strong a word for it, strained through a seive and with the addition of a small amount of white spirit simply added to your tank and your diesel will run as happily as it would on premium city diesel, it still produces emmissions though and legally you would have to send the Chancellor the exact amount of fuel tax, but you would do that anyway, wouldn't everyone? Incidentally there are dedicated Chip Fat Police operating throughout the country, mainly in rural areas, if they like the smell of cod emanating from your exhaust you better have your tax receipts on you or you run the risk of having your vehicle confiscated. What was it I said about glorified tax collectors. The word is that black market fuel is rife, don't you think it strange that the fuel protesters of a few years ago have gone quiet despite extortionate fuel prices, the main protagonists were farmers and hauliers who just happen to be diesel users. The Government and Police are keeping it quiet so that more people don't cotton on to the black market, the same suppression of information as the amount of petrol stations being ripped off by motorists filling up and driving off, how many times has it been reported in the national or local press, yet every petrol station now won't let you put petrol in until their camera has checked out you number plate. Alternative fuel exists for the petrol user, an ordinary car with simple modifications will run on methane and the emissions are water vapour, don't expect a still to process cow shit in your local Halfords within the forseeable future, not unless it comes with a direct debit mandate to the Treasury relieving you of 30% of your monthly salary.

The Government want us to believe that using our cars is contributing to global warming and the destruction of the rain forests so it is our duty to pay as much for our motoring to prevent over use of our cars, yet the pollution from cars is negligible compared to industries and they are not prepared to hit them with an environmental tax as that would adversely affect production and economic growth. They conveniently ignore the data that suggests that CO2 emissions are actually supressing global warming by providing a blanket cutting out the suns rays, without it there is a distinct possibilty that global warming would be accelerated, they are not going to admit that as encouraging you to use your car would mean they cannot continue to penalise you for doing so.

Rant over, those of you still awake please feel free to add your opinion, love to know what others think. Now I must take my medication and matron says I have been a naughty boy and must put on the funny pyjamas that fasten behind my back, anyway I can look forward to having tea with the Aliens tomorrow, Tony Blair is one if you didn't know.


8,719 posts

266 months

Thursday 23rd March 2006
quotequote all
nice rant albeit a bit long.

I think a nice oil and tax fed conspiracy to blinker the population into thinking that global warming is a real threat (which it is really) and therefor the motorist should be hit harder. They are the easiest target.
It is a nice way of pushing attention away from industry and airlines who contribute a shed load of CO2 on their own but are impossible to force to reduce emissions. A 747 burns hundreds of tonnes of fuel in a long haul flight. Straight into the upper atmosphere where it counts.

What the government don't say is that Volcanic activity pushes out a shed load too amongst other noxious gasses.

The government are simply protecting the big tax asset by making sure people don't avoid paying for it by driving off/ANPR.
The oil companies are protecting their enormous investment and profits by suppressing alternative fuels.
It just so happens that car crime control is a happy by-product.

The only way ahead is to do a Dyson and go it alone on fuel development but who's to say that the big oil companies don't find a way to stop you? Oops, that bus's brakes just happened to fail at the right moment....I wouldn't put it past them. The sums of money and effects of it stopping are just too big to discount it.

Politics eh...

I just hope that wheezing tw@t doesn't get the top job. Smug g1t that he is. I hate him.


3,228 posts

224 months

Friday 24th March 2006
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Right i take youre not too happy then ?

S Works

10,166 posts

256 months

Monday 27th March 2006
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Apart from the "all BiB are useless pigs" and the incorrect science I agree with all the above.

Sure there are a few bad eggs in every basket, but I honestly believe that Joe Average Plod is as sick of the governments stupid namby-pamby policies as the next man - they just have to follow "the rules" whether they agree with them or not.

I bet most coppers would rather take a scrote behind the bins at the nick and give them a bit of a kicking rather than an asbo, and I suspect that standing by the side of the road with some nerd from DVLA isn't as fun as it might look. They probably feel right tts having to rely on a computer system that's out of date at the point of use and as aggravated as the poor sods that get stopped unneccessarily. BUT, it's the lesser of two evils - do nothing, you get caned for it, do something and you'll upset someone.

As for the CO2 thing - the fact that heat can't escape is the problem, not the fact that the suns rays may get through (which I think you're referring to re: the holes in the ozone layer stories) that contributes to global warming.