Stock Market Listing

Stock Market Listing



Original Poster:

12,983 posts

146 months

Wednesday 1st February 2023
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'Lotus told investors last year that it plans to sell 100,000 cars per year by 2028, of which 90,000 will be electric saloons and SUVs produced by Lotus Technology. However, the company delivered just 1,710 vehicles in 2021.'

Do you think, that huge increase in volume, suggests an MG style operation ?
That is, mass produce SUVs and saloons in China, pop Lotus badges on them, then sell in the UK, where the name is already established.

Colin Chapman might be appalled.

Meteor Madness

404 posts

205 months

Wednesday 1st February 2023
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That is precisely the plan, hence the massive new factory for Eletre manufacturing in Wuhan.


539 posts

171 months

Wednesday 1st February 2023
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If Aston Martin is anything to go by…. along with the added spice of being chinese….a Barge Pole comes to mind.