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Original Poster:

1,868 posts

132 months

Monday 28th November 2022
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Back in the mid/late 2000’s, I used follow an Aussie based car forum, which had sections on modified cars, Sunday meets, readers cars etc. it was not marque specific.

I’ve done many searches, to try and find it, with no success. I seem to remember, the name of the site being in the shape of a car.

Anyone got any ideas of what it may be? Does it still exist?


Original Poster:

1,868 posts

132 months

Friday 30th December 2022
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Thank you for the reply, no not that one.

From my recollection, the header had the name of the site in a silhouette of a car.

Certainly based around car culture.

Very Australian centric.

Emphasis may have been on drifting.

Not marque specific.

Readers, cars/builds.

Regular section on weekend cruises (which got a bit heated).

I enjoyed it as it was a window to another car culture. Can’t be sure on exact dates, but at a guess it was still around early 2010’s

Seems odd I can find nothing, but probably long gone.


Original Poster:

1,868 posts

132 months

Saturday 28th January 2023
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Bump, any ideas!


Original Poster:

1,868 posts

132 months

Wednesday 1st March 2023
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I liked the website, because it was a window into another car culture with a lot of differences to the UK, mainly because of high 2nd prices and a climate that, favours older vehicles, a thriving JDM scene, weekly cruises, etc.

I just could not remember the name and that was bugging me, I tried numerous searches, nothing, I even tried resurrecting old tech in hope of finding something in the history, still nothing.

I know from other threads, there a quite a few Aussies on PH, so thought I would post in here, BINGO!

Many thanks for the suggestions. Google [bot] “BoostCruising” that’s the one, thank you. Seems to have gone a bit quiet of late.