Car hire from Sydney



Original Poster:

1,794 posts

236 months

Saturday 12th March 2022
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Coming to Aus in late december for 3 weeks, can anyone recommend a good place to hire a car like a landcruiser or pajero? Not aiming for off road just up the east coast with family.


Original Poster:

1,794 posts

236 months

Tuesday 15th March 2022
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Hi Thanks for that
landcruiser isn't necessary as a 4x4 but party will be 4 plus a youngster, vague trips to beaches en route are expected but nothing above simple stuff. The trip will be starting Sydney and end Brisbane.


Original Poster:

1,794 posts

236 months

Thursday 24th March 2022
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So, there won't be any dolly birds, just my wife, daughter, her husband and our grandchild, dolly birds might provoke some awkward family issues.
Landcruiser concept reflects our idea of doing a bit of driving on to a beach but not next to the surf, better to be prepared than stuck in the first bit of soft stuff.
Anyway, the one way drive is definite.