Driving in Australia vs UK

Driving in Australia vs UK



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2,293 posts

190 months

Friday 15th October 2021
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I've been in Australia for just over two and a half years now and just been pondering the differences between driving habits in Oz and the UK. A couple of points to preface:

- An Australian friend who I've been driven by a couple of times in the UK when he visited noted how fast everyone seems to drive in Britain. He drove what seemed uncomfortably slowly on the M1 during one trip but said he defaulted to the speed he was used to in Oz.
- Many people (including on PH), when I told them I was considering a move to Oz, mentioned 'terrible driving standards' in Australia, with Melbourne being the worst.

My experiences...
- Indeed people drive generally more slowly in Oz. A 'freeway' drive is often frustratingly slow.
- I've not noticed 'terrible' driving to be on the whole more common than in the UK. I can only recall two real 'wtf?!?' moments from other drivers.
- On the contrary, actually, with other drivers being quite polite and patient in busy commute routes.
- Strange lack of confidence, sometimes, in particular in navigating parked cars etc. I've been stuck many times behind other drivers waiting for a car coming the opposite direction to pass a car parked on the left but with more than enough space for both cars to pass easily. Indeed I passed a car parked on the left a couple of days ago and a driver coming the opposite way screeched to a halt, beeped and gesticulated despite there being loads of space for us to pass. Similarly, excessive slowing down for corners, hesitation at junctions - not really better or worse driving, simply a more cautious style compared to the UK.
- Motor/Freeway lane discipline ('keep left') is probably worse in Oz - albeit perhaps I notice it more as I'm instinctively inclined to go faster than 90% of the traffic. But undertaking seems more commonly accepted (is it allowed?).

Anyone else had these sort of experiences?