Am I doing the right thing.

Am I doing the right thing.


Teddy Lop

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8,301 posts

70 months

Saturday 20th March 2021
quotequote all
So the mrs is in the second year of what will probably be a 4 year study qualifying her as a psychotherapist. Then she wants to move to Melbourne to set up shop, and be nearer her parents as they age (Canberra)

At this point I'll be 45. Visa shouldn't be an issue (she's one of theirs). I've been to aus several times and on the whole love it, the no bulls hit attitude compared to London goes down well. Also I'm not getting younger, the healthcare system there dumps all over the nhs. Also London seems to be engineering itself a deliberate city-wide traffic jam, apparently to "discourage driving". Fine, except when you have half a ton of tools and equipment to carry tube trains and bicycles are a trifle impractical. I don't know where this ends but I'm getting really, really quite sick of it, and the shocking behaviour it precipitates.

But man. I'm leaving behind a business - very experienced sparky, nic-eic approved contractor who doesn't advertise, and gets to turn down work if i don't like you, to go work as an "improver" for a year before they'll let me be a "real" sparky!

Fewer gigs, we go out all the time, everything from stadium tours and music festivals to little bands playing to 50 people. It's practically why I moved to London, everyone and their dog comes through here. I know Melbourne has a vibrant scene but its not all the metal/punk etc stuff I grew up loving. No easy access to half the F1 calendar, or anywhere near the same amount of top level motorsport, even watching it will be a chore most of the time due to the timing. And all of Europe a cheap flight away!

But then, crappy as it is lockdown has shown I can live without it all and most of my favourite bands probably don't have that many tours left in them now!

Leaving my parents to grow old here feels a dereliction, but we aren't very close - TBH I feel more duty to the in laws.

This isn't a "should I" as I've agreed so it's kind of a fait accompli at this point, but tell me I'm doing the right thing!!