How many Classic Cars can you bring into Oz personally?

How many Classic Cars can you bring into Oz personally?



Original Poster:

642 posts

147 months

Wednesday 15th April 2020
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Hi All,
I have been through all the regs online re importing so aware of the costs and pitfalls and how tight it can be. However I wanted to check in and ask a quick question please to make sure of the regs as I know how often they can change.

If the vehicles I have a all built before 1989 then can I bring in as many as I want?
Does the 1 car every 5 years only apply to anything newer than 1989?

Moving likely net year to Brisbane and cars are as follows and I would like to bring them all with me:
- 1963 Jag E Type Series 1 Fixed Head Coupe
- 1973 BMW 3.0 CS
- 1984 Range Rover Series 1

I also have a 2014 Norton Dominator SS but I will bring that in as my own personal newer shipment as it is newer than 1989.


Original Poster:

642 posts

147 months

Wednesday 15th April 2020
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The Vehicles, because nothing like a bit o metal.


Original Poster:

642 posts

147 months

Thursday 16th April 2020
quotequote all
I got a response from govt. For general info below.
Good Morning,

Thank you for your email.

The Personal Import option is the option you can only be granted import approval for 1 vehicle every 5 years.

The Vehicles manufactured before 1989 import option and Motor Vehicle 25 Years or older import option does not have a limit on how many vehicles you can be granted approval for. No limit under these two options.

I hope this assists

Team Leader | Vehicle Imports Service Team
Vehicle Safety Standards | Surface Transport Policy
Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications
GPO Box 594, Canberra ACT 2601