Selling a car privately - fun....

Selling a car privately - fun....



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219 months

Saturday 2nd February 2019
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Am currently selling our Nissan Murano and what a pain in the arse it is proving to be. My previous experience selling cars private was decent, they went quickly and no timewasters. Not this one.

It was up in the $13's and now up at $11,950 - what I'm really enjoying is getting email after email asking me if I'd take $8000 or $7000. No, can I see it, any further info, just straight up 1st email with a price offer.

Is everyone a chance or a dealer trying it on?! 'yes, sure mate I'd love to take 60% of what I was asking'

All I'm missing is an 'innit bruv' to the emails.

If anyone is keen on a straight, well maintained clean SUV do get in touch hehe




Edited by Big Al. on Monday 4th February 14:17


Original Poster:

14,289 posts

219 months

Wednesday 6th February 2019
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Hang on have just seen my ad been edited out.

Yeah let me just go post my ad for my car here in Australia -Big Al let me just post that in the Australia part of the cars for sales classified part. That doesn't exist.



Original Poster:

14,289 posts

219 months

Wednesday 6th February 2019
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Big Al. said:
Any link to ads/cars (ROP No.16) will get removed by routine, if we miss any on other threads then please report as we don't read every thread that is posted.

HTH explain.
It states there's a rule but makes absolutely no sense whatsoever given the geographic location I am in.

It's ridiculous.

If you left my ad up what's the impact to PH? What's the loss?

Edited by Pommy on Wednesday 6th February 11:44


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14,289 posts

219 months

Tuesday 19th February 2019
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Bibbs said:
The HSV was a ball ache to sell for similar reasons. Full of feral chancers giving it their all to mug someone.

The messages with just a price is a Gumtree thing I believe, under "make an offer". So it's not just them being rude.

It's the reason I ended up chopping it in at a dealer.

When is the 'stang arriving?
Sorry Ben missed this.

'Stang? Hmm not sure. I had the 17 on order and then canned that when the 18 was announced but that was up at $70k which I felt is too much - cancelled to think about it and at that time wife's work changed and decided just to ignore cars for a while.

Also work just went crazy which means I'd not have time to enjoy.

I'd be crying right now if I'd spent that given the depreciation.

Reckon actually going to spend 12-18 months plugging away at getting some cash in the bank then reassess as I will get something good but priorities changed right now.

So after 15 emails offering $8k on the Murano, 9 texts offering $8k and 2 viewings which ended with a 'we can only afford $8k' I've given up and will probably keep it.


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14,289 posts

219 months

Wednesday 20th February 2019
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Bibbs said:
Pommy said:
Sorry Ben missed this.

'Stang? Hmm not sure. I had the 17 on order and then canned that when the 18 was announced but that was up at $70k which I felt is too much - cancelled to think about it and at that time wife's work changed and decided just to ignore cars for a while.

Also work just went crazy which means I'd not have time to enjoy.

I'd be crying right now if I'd spent that given the depreciation.

Reckon actually going to spend 12-18 months plugging away at getting some cash in the bank then reassess as I will get something good but priorities changed right now.

So after 15 emails offering $8k on the Murano, 9 texts offering $8k and 2 viewings which ended with a 'we can only afford $8k' I've given up and will probably keep it.
I know what your mean about priorities.
I've just swapped jobs (only my 2nd since I've been here - now at a small finance company on the Esplanade), trying to sell property (and buy property) and generally consolidate.

Mustangs are pretty common now, $45k to get you a choice in the 2nd hand market. I think you are right that $70k is pushing it. But then if the HSVs were $100k who knows.

Surely it's easier to make sure your insurance is "$15k - agreed value" and then just drive it into the Swan?
Firstly, I work in the terrace (nr William St) so let let me know when you're free and we'll catch up for coffee or a katsu curry (Good one in the place under the ANZ building)

Secondly,yeah you're right about the first ones. They are good value I think but I really want the fancy dash in the 2nd gen hehe

Can't believe the 2nd hand values of things like FPV's and HSV's - some rose tinted applications going on methinks. Also, getting good rate finance on anything over 2-3 yrs old is a pain - anyone do sub 8% finance on a 5 yr old car?!


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14,289 posts

219 months

Saturday 16th March 2019
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Thread update- the Murano sold - hurrah!

Was up at $11,950 and got $11,000.

After 10 weeks, 16 'I'll give you $8000 cash' email offers, 2 '$7500 cash and I'll take it today offers, 3 viewings where they offered $10,000 thankfully I had a decent bloke who was normal drive 1.5hrs and sent a text 2 days later offering the $11,000.

He was a gem of a buyer, easy to deal with and happens to be a Pom. He also came up from Mandurah on the train with $8000 cash in his pocket which I thought was a touch brave.

Few things to note:

- Esanda were a pain to deal with - 7 business days to receive payment, finalise and clear payment to have the car removed from security. 7 days in 2019 to sell a car clear of incumbence is ridiculous. Should be instant.

- Gumtree is a painful place to sell a car as even though the car was $11k even that felt too much for the platform to handle - everyone contacting from Gumtree was a timewaster and 'innit bruv' esque idiot.

- Carsales was definitely of a better experience as a seller. Felt like proper buyers.

So, now a she has an entirely set and forget, uninspiring 2012 Kia Rio 1.6 in the garage which is perfectly reasonable, but apparently 140bhp in 2019 is not nearly as much fun as 140bhp in 1999.

However I'll take the $2500 a year in running costs saving it bring.


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14,289 posts

219 months

Thursday 5th September 2019
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Bibbs said:
I thought selling a car was bad, selling a house is worse ..
No luck mate? Are many even viewing?

Its crazy in a way as money has never been so cheap and although there isnt much price growth you could build a fair bit of equity quickly with a rapid overpayment plan, so i would think its actually decent time to buy a house.


Original Poster:

14,289 posts

219 months

Saturday 8th May 2021
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Jader1973 said:
Following a very low offer from a dealer as a trade in, I’m going to have to sell the OH’s Trax privately.

Wish me luck smile
I would have thought in the current market it'll go very quickly.

Dealers offering old style PX price only to retail it at Covid prices?!