For the Brits in Oz - Cost of living compared to the UK?

For the Brits in Oz - Cost of living compared to the UK?



Original Poster:

5,671 posts

224 months

Tuesday 21st September 2010
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Now that some of you brave souls have upped-sticks and moved down-under, what are your thoughts on the relative cost of living over there? I dont mean "its great because sausages are 3p per pack" because that's useless if you can only earn £4.50 a week... I mean in relative terms how do things compare to the UK?

Do you think you have more money to spend on toys at the end of the month?

I read on some websites that clothes seem more expensive than in the UK.


3,733 posts

215 months

Tuesday 21st September 2010
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Even though the exchange rate is about 1.65 .. use x2.2 and it'll give you an idea of what you need to earn to have the same way of life.

Food seems more expensive, but it's better quality (not much in the pikey microwave meals area). Petrol is half price. Clothes are the same (unless you shop in Asda or Primark).


534 posts

169 months

Tuesday 21st September 2010
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I came from Oz to UK, my observations -

Groceries - more expensive in OZ probably only 10% more, meat is cheaper, raspberrys are much more expensive in OZ like $9 a punnet !

Petrol - about a third cheaper in OZ.

Property Prices - In Sydney on par with London, and interest rates are higher if you have a mortgage.

Cars- much more expensive in OZ, around double the price.

GST - Our version of VAT is only 10%

Overall Oz is probably marginally cheaper than UK, (the strong aussie dollar makes the prices in UK pounds seem quite good to me atm)


1,731 posts

258 months

Wednesday 22nd September 2010
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randomwalk said:
I came from Oz to UK, my observations -

Groceries - more expensive in OZ probably only 10% more, meat is cheaper, raspberrys are much more expensive in OZ like $9 a punnet !

Petrol - about a third cheaper in OZ.

Property Prices - In Sydney on par with London, and interest rates are higher if you have a mortgage.

Cars- much more expensive in OZ, around double the price.

GST - Our version of VAT is only 10%

Overall Oz is probably marginally cheaper than UK, (the strong aussie dollar makes the prices in UK pounds seem quite good to me atm)
I think a lot depends where you live.

Like a lot of newbies to Aus I live in central Sydney and was surprised how expensive things are here compared to the UK. I'd agree with everything above but add that clothes in Aus are much more expensive than the UK. I shopped brand for brand on a recent trip back and found for example a pair of French Connection jeans were half the price in the UK and it's the same for more premium brands such as Boss.

Rates such as gas and electricity are cheaper here but Foxtel(SKY)/Broadband/Telephone connection are quite a bit more and broadband speeds are pretty average plus you have download limits rather than paying for speed which is a commercial f*ck up and is holding the web revolution back massively here IMO.

However, I came out here with my UK employer and using the current exchange rate my salary more than doubled. Salaries in Aus have kept rising where in the Uk most organisations put pay freezes in place a couple of years ago. Also, the exchange rate has a massive effect when comparing to the UK.

Personal taxation is similar but although you can get reciprical healthcare through the Medicare scheme we had to provide evidence of private health insurance which costs around $300 a month for the two of us. If you're planning on having a family whilst out here, check the health insurance carefully as some require you to have had a policy for 12 months min before you can claim.

Many people here told me to forget trying to compare prices etc with the UK but it's difficult to stop playing that game. biggrin

A few years ago you used to always see Aussies in London who came over to earn money so they could take a big lump back to Aus. Right now it's the other way round IMO.

Simply put, if my outgoings here are 20% more expensive but I earn 100% more then I'm clearly going to have more dispossable. This is probably why there doesn't seem to be the level of personal debt over here that you find in the Uk. It was a bit of a novelty to find people here with a house, family etc and savings biggrin

On the downside, forget getting a flash car unless you earn mega bucks.
House prices are like central London but I don't mind living in a smaller place as there's so much more to do outdoors here. smile

You can move outside the city and get much more for less, for example an executive new build in a place like Penrith will cost about the same as in Crawley and in the words of Bugs Bunny, Penrith's "a nice place but I wouldn't want to live there".

Or you could live in Adelaide, Brisbane etc where house prices generally are a lot lower but usually the salaries reflect this. Overall, I have more money in my pocket in Aus than I would in the UK but that wasn't the reason for coming out here. wink


20,337 posts

191 months

Wednesday 22nd September 2010
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sounds like starting a rasberry farm would be a good idea out there!

if you use my idea and get rich from it i would like an ultima as way of a thank you! smile


877 posts

213 months

Wednesday 22nd September 2010
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Agree with this

Overall, I have more money in my pocket in Aus than I would in the UK but that wasn't the reason for coming out here.

Just about sums it up.


14,307 posts

221 months

Wednesday 22nd September 2010
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toomuchbeer said:
Agree with this

Overall, I have more money in my pocket in Aus than I would in the UK but that wasn't the reason for coming out here.

Just about sums it up.

I seem to have more spare cash here, do more 'things' and able to buy more if i wanted to.

Quick answers:

1. Mortgages are a lot more expensive here due to higher interest rate.
2. Savings get a better rate of interest.
3. Houses: i think pro-rata are more but you get a lot more for your cash - double garages, big areas, gardens, laundry rooms, theatre rooms etc are not rare.
4. You will pay more tax here than in the UK. Not a lot but a bit more.
5. Your employer has a legal obligation to pay 9% into superannuation (a pension). A lot get their base wage + the 9%, some dont depends on your negotiation skills. If going for a job ask for salary plus super on top.
6. Eating out, cinema etc is cheaper here.
7. Meat, fish etc all good quality and quite cheap. Veg not so cheap and not always that great (in the big supermarkets).
8. No TV license but the standard of TV reflects that.
9. Clothes here are expensive and quality/choice not as good.
10. Banking - you will pay for a Credit Card here or it will be free but you'll pay for your bank account.
11. Private health cover is almost a must. Cheap to expensive depending on what you need.
12. Contact lenses - a lot cheaper here than UK.
13. Travel - expensive. I mean really expensive compared to uk. And more needed if you want to go on holiday.
14. Sun - cheap and lots of it. Bit too much in Feb wink
15. Drinks in bars/beer - same as uk i think, perhaps more. Ice is free and not a luxury here.
16. Petrol - $1.30 a litre or about 60% cheaper than UK.
17. Car insurance - cheaper i think.
18. Rego, or road tax depends on car. More expensive than the UK i think but then you dont have to MOT your car every year, just pay rego and on you go.
19. Car servicing - for some reason they reckon every 6 months here for ALL cars. Bullst i say. Its just a rort. Do it once a year. unless its an EVO...
20. Carparks - free at beaches, shopping centres and most places, but be prepared to get anally raped in the cities.
21. Public transport - cheap, safe (here in Perth unless you are on the Malaga or Armadale line wink
22. House rental - I pay $450 a week for a 2 bed apartment in West Perth. Nice place, clean and safe. About $350-450 per week for an average 4 x 2 house in the burb's.
23. McDonalds and Hungry Jacks (Burger King) - way cheaper here.
24. Women - way way prettier and in summer more scantily clad.
25. Aussie men - way more confident and sleazy to chicks - my gf gets attention in a way i've never seen in the UK. just my observation.
26. Learn to swear. You will stand out if you dont. I find that when order a large whopper meal it always helps to end with 'and i'll go large yah fackin carnt'
27. Learn to enjoy really st tv adverts. I mean every advert has to have someone talking to explain what is being offered. Its insulting.
28. Drink Driving - dont. They have booze bus's here. Basically a big farking coach type thing and about 10 cop cars seal off a road and pull EVERYONE over. they'll be round a bend and you wont see them.
29. Aussies have a strange view on drink driving. Rather than just 'only 2 drinks' like in the uk, here its 2 in the first hour, and one every hour thereafter or something like that. Its bullst because you wouldnt go out from 6pm to 2am and have 10 beers and drive home. crazy.
30. Drink driving = 6 month ban generally and $1000 fine.
31. Speeding fines = ahh welcome to australia. 3 mph or 5 k's over the limit - 3 demerit points (you can lose 12 before ban like UK) and a $150 fine. 3mph - i'm serious.
31. Standard of driving - st.
32. Undertake both sides - yes. You'll need it when outside lane hogs dont moving doing 80 kmh on the freeway.
33. Its PARSTA, YO-GURT, Station Wagon and many other variances of language.
34. Suncream is like water. If you're in the sun you need it. They sell nothing less than SPF 15 here. SPF 30-50 is the norm.
35. Learn to like Aussie Rules. Its half the news each night, you'll need to know it other wise your viewing is limited.
36. Taxi's - like to take the long way home, go slow and generally annoy you but, Perth apart, pretty cheap.
37. When you arrive buy an Entertainment Book - its genuinely worthwhile and you will save a fortune. there is one for every city.
38. Aboriginals - Make up your own mind when you arrive. Dont live next to a family/tribe though..
39. Have kids? Enjoy the child friendly set up but prepared to be agahst that Isofix isnt the norm here. In fact a big loose seatbelt is.
40. Beer - case of most beers - $40 (24 375ml bottles) or $50 if Corona/Sol.
41. BBQ's. Learn to cook one. Its not cool to not help out.
42. At a BBQ you will take your own drinks, meat to be cooked and a salad or potato bake for all for the table. You will not be fed unless someone specifically mentionst hey will feed you.
43. Soon as you arrive, if someone offers to take you out for beer etc then do it. Sociability is the key here and if you turn people down they wont ask again. generally.
44. Get friendly and dont brag about cash, earnings etc. People dont like it here. Rich here is a new Landcruiser, a boat and 2 investment properties.
45. Dont worry too much about seeing the outback. There isnt much out there but some of it is beautiful. For 20 minutes then the flies will eat you. And the Abo's rob you.
46. You need help - ask. People are very helpful here and appreciate if you are new it will be hard work on your own.
47. Dont be tight - keep the aircon on in Summer. Its not that expensive and needed.
48. If you open a door - close the fking flyscreen unless you like flies in your house.
49. Buy an eski when you arrive. You'll need it. $50 should sort you out.
50. Buy a BBQ when you arrive. I recommend a double flat plate one rather than grill but thats your choice. $400 will get a good one from Barbecues Galore. Guess what they sell..
51. Online shopping is crap here. Just go out and get stuff.
52. Using to buy DVD's and books is recommended. They ship here no problems and are a lot cheaper.
53. Tipping - not needed here. No offense if you dont.
54. Get Skype set up when you move out for your family. Its helpful.
55. Cars - fecking expensive. Dont lose much in depreciation.
56. When you get here apply for a TFN straight away - Tax File Number. Its like an NI number. Saves paying extra tax and is necessary.
57. Bali is not an exotic holiday here. Its like going to spain for a pom.
58. Spiders - not as prevalent as you would think. I mean there are loads but they hide and dont just attack. Redback are the worst for a bite apparently. Teach you kids not to put fingers in nooks and holes (fences, window frames, drains etc). Check under your outside chairs regularly in summer. They hang around under the arm rests...
59. Football is Soccer out here. WA wouldnt have a clue about it so dont expect to enjoy it on a regular basis unless you get Foxtel (Sky) and stay up to 2am every saturday.
60. Tax Returns - Even if you are PAYG you will need to do a tax return each year (financial year is 1 July to 30 June) by 31 October. Can be done online, by paper or use a tax agent ($200 which you can claim back the following year). I do mine online as i'm in the industry but its not hard. You can claim up to $300 for stationary and upto 5000km's work related travel per year without receipts wink
61. Sharks. They do exist. Just be cautious swimming at dusk and dawn or between the hours of 6am and 12am monday to friday and you'll be fine smile
62. When you arrive - get a tan. You look pale and stupid if you dont.
63. Japanese Food - its good. Can very much recommend Katsu Chicken Curry - its like a mild curry sauce on KFC crumbed chicken breast. Lovely.

Went a bit off tangent on living costs there but you get the message..

Edited by Pommygranite on Wednesday 22 September 08:43

tim the pool man

5,005 posts

222 months

Wednesday 22nd September 2010
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Pommygranite said:
63. Japanese Food - its good. Can very much recommend Katsu Chicken Curry - its like a mild curry sauce on KFC crumbed chicken breast. Lovely.
You STILL on about that katsu chicken??!! hehe


14,307 posts

221 months

Wednesday 22nd September 2010
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tim the pool man said:
Pommygranite said:
63. Japanese Food - its good. Can very much recommend Katsu Chicken Curry - its like a mild curry sauce on KFC crumbed chicken breast. Lovely.
You STILL on about that katsu chicken??!! hehe
Hahahaha yeah it rocks! Ask Ian as i think he's partial to it...


Original Poster:

5,671 posts

224 months

Wednesday 22nd September 2010
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Pommygranite - Thanks for the excellent reply. I look forward to sharing those with the wife later, you farkin carnt.


534 posts

169 months

Wednesday 22nd September 2010
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Comment on 58. Spiders, worst are funnel webs, they live in holes usually in grass, they come out at night so no walking around in bare feet on the grass on a summer evenings. Most bugs are around in summer, mozzies, flies, cockroaches the common ones. The further North towards the tropics the bigger the bugs get !

BTW, Cars do not rust anything like here, also alloy wheels stay looking good.


3,733 posts

215 months

Thursday 23rd September 2010
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randomwalk said:
Comment on 58. Spiders, worst are funnel webs, they live in holes usually in grass, they come out at night so no walking around in bare feet on the grass on a summer evenings. Most bugs are around in summer, mozzies, flies, cockroaches the common ones. The further North towards the tropics the bigger the bugs get !

BTW, Cars do not rust anything like here, also alloy wheels stay looking good.
Go to the west coast .. no funnelwebs there.

No blue bottles either.


14,307 posts

221 months

Thursday 23rd September 2010
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Goochie said:
Pommygranite - Thanks for the excellent reply. I look forward to sharing those with the wife later, you farkin carnt.

Good on ya ya bloody rippa.


Original Poster:

5,671 posts

224 months

Thursday 23rd September 2010
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Pommygranite said:
Goochie said:
Pommygranite - Thanks for the excellent reply. I look forward to sharing those with the wife later, you farkin carnt.

Good on ya ya bloody rippa.
Having re-read your long post above and chatted with some friends, can you sum up the place in a few sentences?

There seems little financial benefit to moving there, its more a quality of life option - But is that really so?


735 posts

287 months

Thursday 23rd September 2010
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If you're coming on a 457 Visa, demand a LATFA agreement which costs your company sweet fark all, and will cut your taxes from the mandatory 49% above AU$98,000 down to a LOT less. Tax write oof for rent, utilities, food, etc whilst on it as it assumes you have a primary residence in a.n.other country. Must sign before signing/at time of signing contract so employer can file form with gubmnt...

Bob the Planner

4,695 posts

274 months

Thursday 23rd September 2010
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Pommygranite said:
14. Sun - cheap and lots of it. Bit too much in Feb wink
Nov through to Feb - be prepared or the odd week in the 40s. QLD can be extremely hot - 45 at xmas in 2009 according to relatives.
Pommygranite said:

18. Rego, or road tax depends on car. More expensive than the UK i think but then you dont have to MOT your car every year, just pay rego and on you go.
Rego checks on cars over 3 years old in NSW so a bit like the UK but don't seem as stringent.
Pommygranite said:

35. Learn to like Aussie Rules. Its half the news each night, you'll need to know it other wise your viewing is limited.
And/or rugby league if in NSW/QLD
Pommygranite said:
46. You need help - ask. People are very helpful here and appreciate if you are new it will be hard work on your own.
Very true. Most people are really helpful and it works both ways round. Always offer to help neighbours too.
Pommygranite said:
51. Online shopping is crap here. Just go out and get stuff.
Except for the things you may not be able to buy locally. Have had good experiences getting home brew stuff (as there is no dark beer here, I have to make my own), electrical cables and recently a freezer as it was 30% cheaper.

I generally reckon living costs are on a par with the UK but with a slightly higher inflation rate it won't be long before its more expensive in absolute terms. As said below, if your salary goes up at the same rate you are not any worse off.


1,731 posts

258 months

Friday 24th September 2010
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Goochie said:
There seems little financial benefit to moving there, its more a quality of life option - But is that really so?
Not what I said, I'm way better off financially in Aus and a better QOL. I just said I didn't come here for the financial gain.

I would say one other thing though, if you're unhappy in life generally then a move to Aus or anywhere else for that matter wont change that. If you love living outdoors, enjoy a bit of heat and the sea and generally like a more relaxed way of life then it's probably better here than the UK but I know plenty of people who came over and bought the same problems with them, not surprisingly they wern't happy and went home.

Oh and f*ck me I couldn't f*cking believe it the first time I went down the local with some people from work. Every other f*cking word was f*cking d*ckhead this and sh*thouse that - and that was just the sheilas biggrin