Number of speed cameras in WA to double!

Number of speed cameras in WA to double!



Original Poster:

4,316 posts

215 months

Sunday 25th January 2009
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At a cost of $6.8 million of tax payers money!!,21598,2495...

[quote]``It's an argument used by people who haven't lost someone dear to them because of a speeding driver,'' he said. ``If you obey the law and don't speed you pay nothing in fines, regardless of how many cameras there are.''

I can not stand these sorts of comments. This bloke is linking paying a fine to killing someone?!?! Well fk me I did not realise that getting a $150 fine for being 5kmh over on the freeway meant that I was saved from killing someone.
I just do not understand how these people think that speeding cameras and the threat of a fine stop people speeding dangerously. If someone has the attitude of running red lights or 'hooning' around the suburbs then no camera or fine is going to physically stop them doing it.

How about we spend $6.8 million on a few more police on the road that can make a judgement on the situation and pull people over for re-education on the basics like indicating, merging, using headlights, following distances and keeping their car in a more road worthy condition.


877 posts

213 months

Thursday 29th January 2009
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I feel your pain, and your exactly right. Driving standards in general need to improve, not just fineing people for driving up a duel carriageway at 70kph, which has no houses, intersecting roads or dangers that I can see. (Point in case Alexander Drive, north perth, from Hepburn Ave to Gnangara Road.)

Driving to the train station this morning was a typical example, we get to the station, outside which is a pedistrian crossing immediatley before the car park entrance, lights turn red and we slow down, but the car infront of me, a huge 4x4 just drives straight through them, and turns immediately left into the station car park.

Now, she was doing all of 10kph, by no means speeding, but I see that as a far more serious driving offence to what's being said that speed kills.

Oh, and don't get me started about daylight saving, and the WA 65% that will vote against it...... FFS.

...and breath.....


20,156 posts

232 months

Thursday 29th January 2009
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The speed enforcement racketeers are our enemy.

We MUST destroy them.

Take every opportunity to hurt their reputations, let politicians know that you will work to sack them if they support these racketeers...

All means are fair.


2,058 posts

249 months

Thursday 29th January 2009
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toomuchbeer said:
Now, she was doing all of 10kph, by no means speeding, but I see that as a far more serious driving offence to what's being said that speed kills.

yes I have never seen so many red lights being run in my life in and around Perth other than Southern Italy.
And we all know traffic regs in Southern Italy are either a guideline or intended for the other driver. smile
AND anyway, Southern Italy doesn't really count since it is virtually North Africa (as advised by several Northern Italian sources!) hehe

toomuchbeer also said:
Oh, and don't get me started about daylight saving, and the WA 65% that will vote against it...... FFS.

...and breath.....

There is no rational arguement that can be used not have daylight savings so those that do must, by definition, be irrational.
Is it even possible to challenge the irrational?



Original Poster:

4,316 posts

215 months

Thursday 29th January 2009
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[quote]But Mr Johnson, who flagged more red-light cameras last September, said the cost would be offset quickly by infringement fines.

All the evidence I need to back this up!


ETA...No idea whats going on with the quote thingo


79 posts

230 months

Friday 30th January 2009
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So my wife just had a fine 79 kph in a 70 - $AU75 fine. The road slims to one lane. The limit changes from 100 kph to 70 kph. The police just sit there catching people one after the other. Five other people got stopped whilst my wife was sitting there. Hundreds of others sped past.

Result - we both think our elected representatives (although we didn't elect them) define and implement policies that prove they do not have the capability to properly govern. It also leaves us feeling that their chosen law enforcement resources are little more than tax collectors. We can also see that the government feel they have little room to manouvre as once you link speed and death you cannot possibly relax the law because the risk (if people started crashing and killing themselves) to their tenure would be too high.

So the government think the idiotic rules up, the police implement them, people drive like idiots everywhere and many people think the government and police are a bunch of w**kers. That can't be good for a) the government or b) the law can it?

The trouble is that (as can be seen by the credit crunch / housing booms etc) people (us) are easily persuaded by limited /simple arguments if we are exposed to them often enough. The simpler the argument the better. E.g "the stock market only goes up" as told to millions of Americans in the 1920s and "Speed is the only cause of road deaths and injuries" as now. One day we will look back and laugh.

I am really irritated that the government and police cannot see that the general population of WA are some of the least skilled and competent drivers in the world and that focussing wholly on speed is not the right way to balance risk and the desire to travel.

One last thing, do you think the politicians and police realise that one of the reasons that people drive away from the lights at stupid speeds like they are racing and the kids spin up their rear wheels is both because they feel constrained and repressed by the law and are rebelling and because they are copying everybody else - baaa!

Edited by astonmartinv8 on Friday 30th January 01:12


2,058 posts

249 months

Friday 30th January 2009
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You have my vote Marcus.


Original Poster:

4,316 posts

215 months

Friday 30th January 2009
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Top post Marcus!!

I know we dont have the greatest record of being able to organise ourselves in to a meet up on here but there was an idea chucked around some time back that we should set up the Perth Pistonheads Road Safety Group....It would involve a group of immigrant pommies sitting on high and telling the gumbyment whats wrong with it hehe

I had a classic one this morning..

I'm on the Kwinana freeway in the left lane with a comfortable gap in front and suprisingly behind to, right lane nose to tail as usual.
Approaching a slip lane I can see cars coming down it to merge (nose to tail!) so I adjust my speed and pick a spot...yep car in front a little close but that will get sorted once he ute behind...shoulder check...yep still behind and space behind for him to fit in...white lines end and I think we have merged but NO green ute man decides a last minute dash on the left once its narrowing to a single lane is a good idea followed by slamming the brakes on for the slower moving car in front of me!

Okay so I'm not a driving god but these sorts of 'mistakes' are everyday events and are at the MOST BASIC level of thought you need to put in to driving. I dont expect everyone to be an advanced driver but I find it astonishing that these sorts of things are never picked up on by the police!
Just to prove I'm not a driving god I did for some reason forget to indicate left at a 2 lane roundabout last week. It was only when I left the roundabout I realised I had forgotten and it was then I noticed the motorbike behind me was actualy a police bike...did I get pulled? NO...should I have been? Well I would have had a sook about it but YES I should have been pulled and been told the error of my ways.
Get this though, the bike zoomed on ahead and I went in to the trainstation to drop Mrs Deviant off. When I got on to the freeway the same bike had someone pulled over in the 70 zone just before it turns to 100 (A spot NO ONE does 70 in!). I think we can guess what the offence was!!

Jeez my vagoo is filled with sand today ranting


19,761 posts

240 months

Friday 30th January 2009
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Ha, you should try driving everywhere on gravel.

The dust keeps people back and if someone is going too slow, they pull over and let the thundering ute come past at 150kph.

Farming. Serious Business. wink