I was pulled over last night...

I was pulled over last night...



Original Poster:

13,553 posts

210 months

Sunday 11th January 2009
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So anyway, I was driving back from the pub with a few mates in the car last night, about 2am.

The road is a dual carriageway, 60 zone with a few roundabouts. I was doing 60-64, just not slowing down for roundabouts. But staying within my lane at all times.

Behind me I notice a late model Ford Falcon driving quite erratically, going straight through the roundabouts, but having to cut lines but keeping pace with me. I continue driving for another 4kms through a more winding, single lane each way section. The Falcon is now hard up against my rear bumper trying to push me into going faster which I didn't.

I indicate right at a roundabout, he slams on the brake and does same, then the blue light comes on.

I pull over.

A plain clothes police officer gets out of the car and walks towards me. I remain in the car. He does not identify himself nor tell me that things are getting recorded. He then tells me that he has me averaging 80 for the past 8kms (not true, but anyway) but was quite polite about it.

My response "can you please provide me with a reading from an approved radar device" said very politely. He said no, but he was looking at his speedo.

My response "could you please indicate when your speedo was last calibrated for you to accurately measure speed over a set distance?"

Well, at that he blew up. Said it was calibrated "at the factory". Got very aggressive, essentially yelling that I could bring that up in Court if I elected to do so on the back of the ticket and if I continued arguing with him he would throw "a fistful of tickets at me" including "impounding my car for doing a burnout" (wtf, it's AWD and has traction control. How is that possible?) The worst I did was very very minor tyre squeal at one roundabout.

My response "I am not trying to argue with you, I am merely asking for all the evidence you have of what you have accussed me of doing" followed with "and I was busy watching the car behind me that was driving incredibly close behind me, changing lanes erratically and generally acting in a threatening manner.

He didn't like that much. Got very angry once again, so I sat quietly in my car, and let him go on his rant which he did for a couple of minutes before he realised I wasn't going to bite and get aggressive.

He then told me he would be giving me a warning but my numberplate would be flagged with an indication of "suspected burnouts" and I would be followed for all eternity.

I then wished him goodnight and a safe journey home, once again very politely. He then stormed off, performing an illegal u turn over double lines.

So there you have it kids. Always be polite. If you encounter a detective who is having a bad night, don't bite, don't give him reason to do anything. If I had admitted to anything he would have fined me straight off. Instead, just ask for the evidence of an offence.

Given I had 3 witnesses in the car, including the daughter of the area commander, a senior labor party rep and an accountant I'm half inclinced to make an official complaint about how he handled himself and how threatening his general behaviour was. Just to make a further point

All in all a fun night out.


4,316 posts

215 months

Sunday 11th January 2009
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Please do make a complaint about it.
Far to often I read on car forums of people being bullied in a similar manner and getting tickets for none existent offences stuffed in to their anus with a concrete fist.

Plain and simple the officers behaviour was bang out of order and his driving incredibly stupid / dangerous.
The highway patrol mob really do not like it when you know your own rights!


736 posts

287 months

Sunday 11th January 2009
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You should ABSOLUTELY do a report, make sure you get a copy as well so you can FAX to your local paper. That type of behaviour is not only inciting disrespect, but clearly OTT and warrants (sorry for choice of word) further investigation.

Whilst your account seems all fine and good, no doubt he'll offer a different one up, so stick to your guns and DO IT!


Original Poster:

13,553 posts

210 months

Monday 12th January 2009
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I went to the police station last night after I posted that

They denied that it would have been a police officer (unfortunately I did not got a plate) and he ran off when I asked for any ID, merely saying he was a detective.

They are assuming that it is someone impersonating a police officer, however I am not convinced.

Either way a formal statement has been made but it will be entered in based on that. If I see him around again I will be phoning the police station and requesting that they check the numberplate against their records. They do have a Falcon in that colour that is used by detectives, however there has been no report made of the incident that they are aware of.

I will be chasing it up on Wednesday to see if there is any progress. And if not and it has been filed in the circular recycling bin I will be going to the media and my local member. Who, funnily enough, has an employee who was in the car at the time...


2,058 posts

249 months

Monday 12th January 2009
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Do us all and yourself a favour by reporting this jumped up little tw@t...



4,316 posts

215 months

Monday 12th January 2009
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Hang around outside the police station until you see the car drive in / out. I assume once his blues were on his video would begin rolling and there would be video evidence in the shredder to pin him with.

I dont believe for one second it was someone pretending to be the police because there are hundred of similar stories floating around.


Original Poster:

13,553 posts

210 months

Monday 12th January 2009
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I gave a full description of him. And the car. And I'll be following it up with my MP via the witness in the car.

I have been told by some that I deserved it for "questioning him". Bullst. If I get accused of doing something I did not do I damm well want to see the evidence of what I am accused of doing. I am not going to blindly sit there and accept a fine for doing 20 over the limit when I did not do any such thing and there is not the slightest piece of evidence in existance to prove that I did.

If the conversation was recorded it would have been in his interest to shred it as soon as possible as I could have his job for how he was acting, or at least get him an official reprimand.


7,030 posts

247 months

Monday 12th January 2009
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Colonial said:
I gave a full description of him. And the car. And I'll be following it up with my MP via the witness in the car.

I have been told by some that I deserved it for "questioning him". Bullst. If I get accused of doing something I did not do I damm well want to see the evidence of what I am accused of doing. I am not going to blindly sit there and accept a fine for doing 20 over the limit when I did not do any such thing and there is not the slightest piece of evidence in existance to prove that I did.

If the conversation was recorded it would have been in his interest to shred it as soon as possible as I could have his job for how he was acting, or at least get him an official reprimand.
Good for you for reporting it - I can't stand the hypocracy of people in power. Little officious gits like your fellow give a lot of good people a bad name. Whereabouts were you?

As someone who has been stopped, quite legitimately, I can say that from that experience police will offer the evidence before you have chance to ask.

Though I have been chased by an unmarked car in the UK - only found out when the twunt was close enough for me to see the shiny lapels in the rear view. Still didn't stop though - no blues, no ID, no chance of me stopping.

Edited by PomBstard on Monday 12th January 10:41


446 posts

252 months

Monday 12th January 2009
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I hadn't realised burnouts were illegal.

I've recently been fantasising about tootling up George Street arround 11pm on a Friday night, pulling up somewhere around the Ivy then holding it on the front brakes and lighting up the rears. Then letting go and laying down 10 metres of twin rubber tracks.

I might rethink that.


4,316 posts

215 months

Monday 12th January 2009
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Colonial said:
I have been told by some that I deserved it for "questioning him".
W..T..F?!?! Urine steaming right now! Is it any wonder the police are only to happy to lay fines on people for the tiniest wander over the speed limit if people are stupid enough to just accept what they are told and pay up!

TheArb said:
I hadn't realised burnouts were illegal.

I've recently been fantasising about tootling up George Street arround 11pm on a Friday night, pulling up somewhere around the Ivy then holding it on the front brakes and lighting up the rears. Then letting go and laying down 10 metres of twin rubber tracks.

I might rethink that.
That will get your car confiscated for 48 hours as a 'hoon offence'. Get caught again and you risk losing your car forever!
I can't stand the word hoon and the laws surrounding it are just apalling.


736 posts

287 months

Monday 12th January 2009
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good on you for going in and reporting it. now...

Under the Freedom of Information act make a formal request in writing for all unmarked cars' sign-out/sign-in details for the 24 hours +/- your incident will serve them notice you're not backing down when you go back in.

You not only are perfectly in your rights, but they are legally bound to produce this information. Now they will have anywhere from 7-21 days to produce, but that they must.

You for your own sanity need to get to the bottom of this as do they. If it's a fraudster, they have nothing to fear; if it's Rogue Cop, then they deserve punishment.


4,316 posts

215 months

Monday 12th January 2009
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Brilliant advice there Steve!

I know it might seem like a lot of hassle to persue until you get an answer but imagine how many other entusiasts the bloke could have pulled over on a fake claim. As we all know not everyone would be as switched on to ask the right questions.


Original Poster:

13,553 posts

210 months

Monday 12th January 2009
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I think whoever it was realised he had picked the wrong person when I told him I would be happy to contest anything in Court after he threatened me with "you can take that up in Court if you want but I'll get the judge to through the book at you"

I thought the judicary was independent of the police in this country. How naive of me. But when I mentioned I would be happy to take it up in Court as he could not produce a single piece of evidence of anything he was accusing me of he backed down with the threats, until the impounding for a "burnout" (it's a S3 ffs, if you try and do a burnout it will get confused, trigger the esp, blow the haldex diff and cost you 10k. I'm not that stupid)


736 posts

287 months

Monday 12th January 2009
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This should be pretty easy for them to undertake even though the various gub'mnt departments are not e-connected, it is very likely this stuff will be online, or given how recent the incident occurred, still on paper.

Failure to produce is a quite serious crime now, as it intentional destruction of records under law.

So they don't have a choice but to produce!


Original Poster:

13,553 posts

210 months

Monday 12th January 2009
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Steve-B said:
good on you for going in and reporting it. now...

Under the Freedom of Information act make a formal request in writing for all unmarked cars' sign-out/sign-in details for the 24 hours +/- your incident will serve them notice you're not backing down when you go back in.

You not only are perfectly in your rights, but they are legally bound to produce this information. Now they will have anywhere from 7-21 days to produce, but that they must.

You for your own sanity need to get to the bottom of this as do they. If it's a fraudster, they have nothing to fear; if it's Rogue Cop, then they deserve punishment.
Excellent advice. I wasn't aware of that so I'm going to chase that one up as well.


I'm leaving the country anyway, so have nothing to fear.


736 posts

287 months

Monday 12th January 2009
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Be very specific in your request and take some advise from here http://sunday.ninemsn.com.au/sunday/investigative/...

Make it clear when you make your request you are only interested in knowing who had any car matching your description signed out, and NOT where the car was going, any investigative directive it was operating under, etc. That is particularly important as you are trying to establish who was the driver.

If you sit in your car near their carpark exit, and any BiB's were to approach you, tell them you're doing research for a FIA request. If they get 4rsey, tell them to invite the superintendent over for a chat, that's 95% guaranteed to make them p1ss off!


877 posts

213 months

Tuesday 13th January 2009
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Keep us posted on this, its making my blood boil.


Original Poster:

13,553 posts

210 months

Tuesday 13th January 2009
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Luckily I work just up the road from the police station in question, so I'm keeping more than half an eye open.

When I was pulled over for doing something wrong it was a case of

"I am officer xyz. I have you clocked at 77 in a 60 zone using my in car radar" and I went "fair cop officer" and it was all good. Chatted to him for a few minutes about this and that whilst he wrote the ticket, asked how it worked (was genuinely interested) and then on my way.

I drive past the station at least 2 times a day so chances are good I will see the car.


1,455 posts

212 months

Tuesday 13th January 2009
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Dont mind a fair cop, if you break the law and get caught you can't moan. But this is bullst. The police would know if they had any Blue falcons out that night, must be easy for them to check if they did. They wont want to tho.
I had a similar case in the uk. I DID get goaded into going faster tho and they charged me with speeding over 3 different roads. They followed me for 4 miles, and drove in a threatening manner. I accepted the summons but said i would report them. I did.
I described the police, the car etc. I got a letter back, very snotty, saying that i was mistaken about the car and the officers as the ones who nabbed me were not in x car and did not fit description y and that with observational standards as good as that i deserved to be caught and banned! it was TWO armed response jags, yet neither of them had the tapes running? How odd... Long story short i went to court and got a 7 week suspension instead of a 12 month ban. Still 7 weeks too many. Always worth sticking up for yourself if something is unjust. Shame they hold a grudge and my car was marked for 3 years after. I have found the older police here not bad, the young ones just like the uk, seem to be power mad


1,281 posts

209 months

Wednesday 14th January 2009
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For such a laid back country, where do the neanderthal police and security thugs come from? Where do they hide when they are off duty?

Good luck with your hunt. The burnout laws and that threat are beyond stupid.