No love for daylight savings?

No love for daylight savings?



Original Poster:

4,316 posts

215 months

Monday 27th October 2008
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A rant all IMO!

FFS how could anyone NOT enjoy daylight savings in a part of the world that has a climate most people would kill for!?!?

Today I got home from work at 5, spent some time in the garden, had a shower, had some dinner and there is still an hour of very pleasant sunshine left to relax and have a beer or two.
Give it another month and it will be warm enough to be straight down to the beach for a swim after work and then an evening spent entirely outdoors.

It really annoys me that people are being miserable twits and shutting themselves inside just to vote no on the basis of "I dont like it so YOU cant have it"...but when you ask them why they dont like it they either truly believe the clocks have been messed with so there is now 25 hours in the day or they repeat the same ste thats been shat out of some talk back radio show (probably 94.5) where some dizzy bint is going "Its un-orrstralian to have a 25 hour day and faded curtains'.
The same people wont even TRY and enjoy it.

Not only is my time much improved but work is easier to...without daylight savings our eastern states office has gone home not long after our lunch and our client has to endure 3 hours of the morning not being able to contact us.

fking knob stting arse nuggets with superflous nipples in their armpits that have not faded and still give milk shoot

And another thing how come the farmers always moan about their cows not milking yet during the summer I have no problems being able to buy milk....why?!?! WHY FFS?!?!

And breathe...



174 posts

222 months

Monday 27th October 2008
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ha ha class.
My old neighbour said she didn't like daylight saving because she had to wash the pots an hour later after their tea?? I didn't even try and question her logic behind that one.

I agree with you - get home from work and do stuff outside. Who wants sunlight at 4 in the morning anyway?

Wait until the debate when extended shopping hours are introduced. No more finishing work early to do the grocery shopping (not that I ever do the grocery shopping - the wife takes care of that, just trying to make a point).

Having said that though - I'm new here and I'm happy to fit in with what the Aussies want, Nothing more annoying than immigrants coming in and trying to change everything to how they are used to it 'back home'.

tim the pool man

5,005 posts

222 months

Monday 27th October 2008
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Yeah I despair that it looks like we will lose DS after this trial. I've said it many times, you should have to pass an intelligence test before being allowed to vote.


4,635 posts

263 months

Monday 27th October 2008
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I love it, driving home along Beaconsfield Parade, the sea to my right, getting home from work and cracking open a few coldies, going for a walk in the warm evenings, can't wait till december when its proper beach weather!

All the moaners should be shipped back to the UK for a year to experience truly st weather and miserable winter darkness!


210 posts

271 months

Monday 27th October 2008
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There was a lovely woman on the radio explaining her view that daylight savings was the cause of the droughts, as the extra hour of daylight increased evaporation rates!



158 posts

199 months

Tuesday 28th October 2008
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Here in sunny QLD were not allowed to change the clocks - I'd love the idea of an extra hour of sunshine after work but because of moaning farmers and thick eejits we lag and hour behind the eastern capitals.

Makes work a pain too as my HQ in Sydney goes home an hour before I finish work.


Original Poster:

4,316 posts

215 months

Tuesday 28th October 2008
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FFS there is abloke here at work that reckons its daylight until 11pm in his area...W..T..F?!?! I said thats BS because it was sunset just before 8pm..."AH Well you are further south than me"

"But your just north of Perth and I am just south, how can the sun set 3 hours later for you"

"Yeah see...but...well...I Saw on 60 minutes that the curtains are fading..."


2,058 posts

249 months

Tuesday 28th October 2008
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deviant said:
"AH Well you are further south than me"

I can fully corroborate this... and I'm so north I'm passed Ozzy Park...

According to my calcs I reckon it definitely stays lighter by oooh... at least... say... 15 seconds up my way compared to anybody so far south as Rocky!!! hehe

Oh and BTW, is it not the case that the further south (in this hemisphere) you go the lighter it gets in summer... ooorrr is that too obvious???!!!

All sentiments expressed here I agree with.
I mean why... would you want to lose a useful hour of daylight especially as the weather gets nicer???
As also said above, there is no good sense behind this, I don't know about passing an intelligence test before voting, I think a simple brain activity check would make this problem go away.



Original Poster:

4,316 posts

215 months

Tuesday 28th October 2008
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I wish the WA government would just have the balls to just introduce it and sod the moaners....not that I'm moaning or anything tongue out
I bet that if they did bring it in people would just get used to it and forget it happens just like normal people. I was in Melbourne last week and everyone there embraces it and looks forward to it and spend as much of the evening out and about as they can! Brilliant stuff!

I dont understand the people that claim to be tired all summer because they have 'lost' an hour of sleep every night and it adds up...according to my clock I'm still in bed by 10pm and up at where did I lose an hour? Perhaps the first night I kind of lost an hour but its hardly enough to leave me with dry udders and severe exhaustion.


877 posts

213 months

Tuesday 28th October 2008
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deviant said:
I wish the WA government would just have the balls to just introduce it and sod the moaners....not that I'm moaning or anything tongue out
I bet that if they did bring it in people would just get used to it and forget it happens just like normal people. I was in Melbourne last week and everyone there embraces it and looks forward to it and spend as much of the evening out and about as they can! Brilliant stuff!

I dont understand the people that claim to be tired all summer because they have 'lost' an hour of sleep every night and it adds up...according to my clock I'm still in bed by 10pm and up at where did I lose an hour? Perhaps the first night I kind of lost an hour but its hardly enough to leave me with dry udders and severe exhaustion.
Brilliant Deviant, I've had a scensoredty day today, and this thread has made me laugh no end.

We had a chat about it the other day in the office and one bloke was saying how he loves to go the beach in the morning for a swim, or even surf, I said, I prefer to go home and spend time with my daughter in the evening. He muttered something under his breath, so I asked, so how many times do you go and surf? Oh a couple of times a year.!!!! I said, well I go home and see my daughter every night, but it didn't have any effect. Brick wall well and truely hit banghead


2,073 posts

226 months

Tuesday 28th October 2008
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When I was running tourist boats in the whitsundays, being out of step with southern states was expensive. Departing reaort island house guests had to leave the islands an hour earlier, local time.

The resorts had to start some kitchen & dining room staff an hour earlier, I had to start one boat crew earlier, as did bus company, & other mainland operations.

None of these people could finish early, as we all had the normal day's work, [our time] to do.

For us, it meant that that crew went from a 10 hour day, to an 11 hour day. A few welcomed the extra overtime money, but most were just so bl@@dy tired, by the end of summer, that they would not have known how much they were earning.


Original Poster:

4,316 posts

215 months

Wednesday 29th October 2008
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It makes doing business a real pain...Like I was saying earlier; without DS we end up 3 hours behind our eastern states office and our client who all finish at 4pm so by 1pm for WA they go home.
We all start at 7am which means that they have to wait until 10am before being able to have any contact with us! The reason we mirror their working hours is to make sure we are there for them as much as possible.
Friday is worse as our client finishes at 12pm so they only get a 2 hour window of communication.

Its painful trying to do your banking or insurance type stuff to because nearly everything is done through the head offices in the eastern states so you always get "We cant quote or do such and such because the Sydney office is shut."

I'm glad my misery amuses you toomuchbeer wink


Original Poster:

4,316 posts

215 months

Wednesday 29th October 2008
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GTR-Downunder... said:
There was a lovely woman on the radio explaining her view that daylight savings was the cause of the droughts, as the extra hour of daylight increased evaporation rates!

Also found on one of the internets finest....


2,193 posts

239 months

Wednesday 29th October 2008
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deviant said:
It makes doing business a real pain...Like I was saying earlier; without DS we end up 3 hours behind our eastern states office and our client who all finish at 4pm so by 1pm for WA they go home.
We all start at 7am which means that they have to wait until 10am before being able to have any contact with us! The reason we mirror their working hours is to make sure we are there for them as much as possible.
Friday is worse as our client finishes at 12pm so they only get a 2 hour window of communication.

Its painful trying to do your banking or insurance type stuff to because nearly everything is done through the head offices in the eastern states so you always get "We cant quote or do such and such because the Sydney office is shut."

I'm glad my misery amuses you toomuchbeer wink
I hear what you are saying.

Some years ago I was supporting a call centre in Perth that closed at 21:00 so I often got calls after midnight with issues.

The Y2K thing was also a nightmare, with 30+ telephone systems across Oz in various timezones I had to check the health of each system as they passed local midnight.

Because I was on call I couldn't have a beer and all of my mates were well and truly bladdered by 3:15 when I could finally relax and by then there was no one to drink with.


877 posts

213 months

Friday 31st October 2008
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Are these people for real, thinking we actually get an extra hour of sun, just by changing the clocks.....banghead


2,163 posts

249 months

Saturday 1st November 2008
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WA shouldn't have daylight saving because I could then start work at 9am instead of the normal horrendous 8am!!tongue outwink