Moving to Sydney....



Original Poster:

262 posts

264 months

Friday 18th April 2008
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Looking at the driving laws over there, they are nearly as bad as over here?

Do you have a points system, or is it fines? What about speeding etc?


13,553 posts

210 months

Friday 18th April 2008
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They are worse

30km/h over the limit and you will loose your licence for 3 months. 45 over and you will loose it for 6 or 9 months. Can't remember which

Licence system is based on points. You get 12 points. 3 points for speeding below 15km/h, 3 points for 15-30, 4 plus the ban for 30+ and 6+ ban for 45+

So do a nominal 87mph on our motorway equivalent and you will wave goodbye to your licence for 3 months.

The culture is very anti-car and very anti-speeding.

One of my favourite roads (Old Pacific Highway for the sydneysiders) has been decreased from 100kmh to 80kmh to 70kmh to 60kmh over the years despite a massive decrease in traffic. At the same time police presence on the road has massively increased.

Cars are stupid money. 12000 pounds plus for a 2000 model BMW 323i sedan as an example, still looking at 20,000 pounds plus for one of the first Lotus Elise's imported.


364 posts

219 months

Friday 18th April 2008
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Yup, as bad as said above.

However, Im not suffering as bad, Im driving on my UK licence (only a temp reisdent visa)and have been done twice for speeding (in 2 years) and only payed the fines, although the points are still in the background until they expire or I get a QLD licence. Pretty lucky really as the first one was 110 in a 70 zone(slowing from 100 into 70 into 60 downhill), 350$ fine though. Other was 86 in a 70 zone 150$.

Road manners are a nightmare but just the far less volume of traffic compared to London (well here in Brissie) makes any sort of driving more pleasurable, with no snow or sleet or salt on the roads to deal with.


13,553 posts

210 months

Friday 18th April 2008
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Also worth noting that driving standards are abysmal at best. Lane discipline is non existent, the basics of overtaking are not understood, and if you talk about being a car enthusiast it is automatically assumed you drive a modified turbo nissan skyline import and just park in a car park and put your neon lights on.

tim the pool man

5,005 posts

222 months

Friday 18th April 2008
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Agree with what has been said here, if you read most threads in the Australian forum they are mostly complaining about the same things.
Makes me laugh when I read the complaints in GG about driving in England; they don't realise how goodthey have it rolleyes
A "sports car" in Perth means a V8 ute (well it is a 2 seater) that gets driven to sports (if you can call Aussie Rules a sport)

Read yesterday that the production of Monaros was 70% Automatics... of course none of those went to England. I think that highlights the difference between enthusiasts in the 2 countries.

Not sure if it applies countrywide (each State has it's own road rules) but in WA if you are caught 45KPH over (ie 90MPH on the freeway or a long straight deserted road in the middle of nowhere) not only the fine and ban, but automatic confiscation of the car, no matter who it belongs to...


4,316 posts

215 months

Friday 18th April 2008
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Ah yes and dont forget the 'Anti-hoon' laws....yep they really are called that!

If your young or driving the wrong car there is a whole range of things you can be booked for under the anti-hoon laws. Most of them are worded very openly so become very very hard to argue.

So you could get pulled over and booked under a 'normal' speeding offence or you could get booked as a hoon...first time hoons loose their car for 48hours. It then goes up from there depending on driving history and severity of the offence...all the way up to several months and even as high as the car being auctioned off!

Fixed speed cameras are few and far between. The cameras are all a small, infa red unit on a tripod about a foot hight and generally placed in shadows, under a bush, at the base of a sign and the operators van is well hidden off the side of the road. They used to have a massive flash on them which you would see going off in the distance so you could slow down but not now they have an infa red flash.
I dont know about other states but there are cameras disguised as bins here in WA.

Modifiying your car is a no no...well you can but you will get a lot of hassle from the popo. You are supposed to get permits for all the mods from a government inspection station but its a heap of hassle. It costs something like $50 per permit and they can be really last car failed a ride height test by 4mm...but only after the inspector got his fat assistant to sit in it! I argued that if he is going to load the car and test it then he should load it to max gross weight which resulted in the car failing the exhaust noise test...despite passing first time round...but you know, the test had to be done again because it still 'sounds to loud to pass' despite just passing. Of course it failed the next test.

Cars both new and used are VERY expensive here. There is precious little choice of parts suppliers, insurance, specialist workshops...most obvious point to that one is Australia's ONLY Mac F1 owner having to send his car to a Sydney BMW workshop where it was promptly crashed.

Driving standards are really really bad here and driver education is lacking at best. The government solution is to restrict and fine new drivers with some truly rediculous rules and laws (see anti-hoon laws).

I could go on and on mate...But I'll cut what was turning in to a long story short...Aus is crap for fun driving on road. Luckily though we have a steady supply of very cheap Japanese turbo rockets and club level sprints and trackdays are very cheap.


9,335 posts

212 months

Saturday 19th April 2008
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The car price thing isn't that bad, remember the prices depreciate a hell of a lot less so you lose less money.


27 posts

249 months

Monday 21st April 2008
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Hi Rob

Like you, I enjoy my motoring (did the CBRE 2004). Australia isn't quite as bad a some have highlighted, although most of the points are right!

I think the price of cars is very reasonable ... unless its European and a "luxury vehicle" which attracts a 25% import tax. If you want to rbing your GT2 over, you'll probably have to jump through some hoops. I just had my GTO Twin Turbo import refused, which was a right pain - took them through 2 appeals and still lost.

I've been here now since 2004, and haven't looked back. Life is sooo much better, makes the UK look like a cesspit (no offence to UK people).

The 2 irritating things about Oz, motoring and taxes. Taxes you can't get around, so you can "manage" the system to get the right result. The motoring is a whole different bag ... the Ozzie drivers are crap ... no doubt about it. Driver education is awful and lane discipline is non-existant (but that shouldn't worry you). The trickiest thing of all is that the cops have radar that works in 2 directions, so they can track your speed when you are going in the opposite direction!!

Events like the Cannonball Run or Gumball would be shut down in seconds over here and everyone locked up, however, there are a number of organised rallies ... proper events that are better managed and a lot of tracks with open days. There really isn't a shortage of motoring, and lots of wide open space and lots of twisty roads if you know where to go. You can check out CAMS (the official motor racing organisation for details).

Also bear in mind that petrol here is sooo much cheaper as are all the running costs - around $1.30 a litre, plus the aussie dollar is getting stronger by the day so your money goes a lot further.

The lifestyle and cost of living far outweighs the driving issues ... so if you have got your residency, I wouldn't look back!!! Just my personal opinion having made the move.

Of course, the advantage is being on an Australian licence leaves you free to abuse your UK licence on the european tours without impacting you over here ... the other side of the coin!! smile

Send me an email if you want more details.


Edited by Sulley on Monday 21st April 06:12


4,930 posts

232 months

Wednesday 7th May 2008
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It's been 8 years since I left home (Sydney) and even though I'll always be an Aussie at heart I love the UK for it's driving.
I had been thinking about bringing my new family back but every day I drive my CSL home at around 95mph on the motorway (150kph+ )then bomb along some backroads at 100kph and it's brilliant fun. I've also not seen one police car booking on the roads near me!

My mate emigrated to Sydney at the start of the year and he did tell me he now thinks driving at 120kph seems fast (and this was a guy who was booked doing 110mph in a 360 spider!) so I guess you do become 're-calibrated' to the lower speeds.

Edited by robm3 on Wednesday 7th May 16:01