Chimaera to Adelaide



Original Poster:

431 posts

248 months

Monday 7th January 2008
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Am moving to Adelaide in June and taking the Chimaera with me. Its a 1993, 4.3hc model.

Am concerned about some details like:
1. Rear Number Plate is back illuminated
2. Speedo is in MPH
3. No aircon - should I get it here or there (whats the cost?)

Anyone got any advice?


585 posts

267 months

Monday 7th January 2008
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Not sure about the numberplate.

As long as the speedo has kmh on it somewhere that is OK.

Aircon on my old 95 '4.0 Chim was uselss. Wouldn't bother fitting it. One of the chaps here has a '95 Griff, Aircon is useless.
My T350T does not have aircon, it does get a tad warm with the roof on, not too bad with the roof off as long as you are not stuck in traffic.

If your Chim is anything like mine was, then in traffic the car will overheat before you will. Will be worse with Aircon fitted.


440 posts

234 months

Monday 7th January 2008
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Good to hear of another Chim heading out...

1) Your backlit number plate will definately cause you problems, Aussie plates are solid metal so it's not possible to backlight them. I would think you'll probably have to have illumination added on either side or above the plate so maybe worthwhile having a look for a solution you're happy with in advance so there's no rush or compromise when getting it through compliancing.

2) My speedo was primarily in MPH but with KPH in smaller lettering, this caused no issues for compliancing in Vic so if you have the same you should be ok. If not and yours is only in MPH then i'd look to source one from a later car with small KPH lettering too before you leave the UK.

3) Mine doesn't have aircon and I've been quoted about $2500 to have it fitted over here. To be honest it hasn't caused any issues for me so far not having it though as you get used to the heat pretty quickly. Thought i wouldn't want to use it in much over the high 20s but it was perfectly comfortable in 37-38 degrees on a run out of the city the other day, only really getting uncomfortable when stopped for a while. If you want to use it as your only car/daily driver then i would budget to have it fitted definately however for the 40+ degree periods at the height of summer.

4) You'll probably need a high level brake light fitted - same deal as the number plate illumination, i'd be tempted to find a style of fitting you're happy with before it goes for compliancing. Hella do quite a nice slim one that doesn't look too terrible.

Feel free to drop me an email if you want any assistance as i've been through the whole process with a Chim pretty recently.




325 posts

267 months

Monday 7th January 2008
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1. In Canberra ACT, you can buy different types of number plates and a couple of them are made from the same material as UK number plates. You might be lucky that SA has the same type of plates and you won't need to modify for lighting your number plate.

2. I have aircon in my tuscan and had it serviced and re-gassed just before xmas. It works great! It was about 36 degree here last week and the aircon was cold! Having the roof off is good also and will be great when its not stupidly hot. Remember to put on sun cream or else you will get sunburn in less than 10 minutes.

3. MPH speedo is legal in Australia and you do no have to convert it to KPH for compliance purposes. There are still loads of older local cars here with MPH only speedo. What would help is a satnav that will show your speed in KPH as speed enforcement is mad here!

Good luck with your car.