Is there a time limit to receive a fixed penalty notice..?

Is there a time limit to receive a fixed penalty notice..?



Original Poster:

5,458 posts

262 months

Wednesday 24th May 2006
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Was a silly boy and got a fixed penalty for jumping a red light (i don't normally do such heinious crimes, but it was a sunday morning through Perth centre, i was doing under the speed limit and the lights changed as i came to the line and i just didn't apply the brakes).

Anyway the offence was dated 9th April, but the ticket is dated 23rd May. In the uk such tickets have to be dated within 14days of the offence. There is obviously a large gap here.


2,102 posts

272 months

Monday 29th May 2006
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I'm just wondering something similar: I have received a letter from a car rental company about an alleged speeding offence in December!

Is there a time limit by which notice should originally have been served on the car rental company?