can i find out who an aus mobile phone number belongs to?

can i find out who an aus mobile phone number belongs to?



Original Poster:

5,458 posts

262 months

Thursday 30th March 2006
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I want to do a search on an aus mobile phone number that sent me a weird text message.

Is that possible? Tried ringing it and it says number is not connected!

Incidently - on the subject, has anyone had any luck using the www/ pages - before i set my phone up to receive pictures i had to go through this link and it never seems to work. Always times out.


2,354 posts

242 months

Friday 31st March 2006
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The MMS on the Telstra site only have a very short life, I haven't received one for a while but it was no more than 48 Hrs.

I didn't have to set anything up, I just got an SMS with an ID and PIN, was a pic of grandaughter No.2.

We have just moved to the alternative major carrier I have no idea how their MMS works, but coverage is crap, my being on call 24/7 make this move a joke.

I told my manager I don't care how cheap the calls are if I can't make or receive them.

For those in the UK, here in Oz Vodafone are abysmal by comparison to the other two.

Dave King
Suthol VII

Sorry. Too busy ranting and missed the main point completely, NFI for private individuals but if you are in law enforcement it's a walk in the park.

I have a corporate mobile and received a direct call to my desk phone from the BiB, the entire site is unlisted for security reasons and for the same reasons our main switch does not give out or direct No.s so I have complained to every level possible of police and govt and put in the hands of legal advice.

>> Edited by suthol on Friday 31st March 10:56