Exotics in the Outback

Exotics in the Outback



Original Poster:

77 posts

237 months

Monday 4th July 2005
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Some guys with expensive cars are getting a little rally together in the NT (well it's getting bigger now, with some serious cars). Fast cars on unrestricted roads - what could be better.

here's a link to the site in Oz if you're interested.


Times fast approaching so act quickly.


7,495 posts

237 months

Monday 11th July 2005
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reminds me of the old cannonball run they used to have up there until those Japanese guys in an F40 took out a checkpoint.


1,561 posts

250 months

Friday 15th July 2005
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r988 said:
reminds me of the old cannonball run they used to have up there until those Japanese guys in an F40 took out a checkpoint.

Well, they only had one Cannonball and that was the one where the crash happened...

No, it won't be a Cannonball. We aren't racing for one thing. Just a chance to get our cars out into the open space for a run without checking the speedo every 10 seconds.


2 posts

232 months

Tuesday 9th August 2005
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That looks fantastic!!

Would love to see any photos or video taken there!

Yeah, it's a pity we can't drive to the conditions without having to worry about speed "limits" on some of the good roads here in QLD...


15,902 posts

249 months

Sunday 14th August 2005
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Lots of photos and videos on Ferrarichat.com!