Ownership of '85 Landcruiser..? Any forum/BBS?

Ownership of '85 Landcruiser..? Any forum/BBS?



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5,458 posts

262 months

Sunday 19th June 2005
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I have a 1985 Toyota Landcruiser, although I'm not entirely sure if its FJ60 or FJ62, but there doesn't seem to be a great difference...

Anyway, i took it for a service in Kalgoorlie and didn't get on brilliantly with the guys i used so will do the next one myself (although my tools are all back home in UK - Doh!). I wondered if there are any user forums/BBS for this age/model vehicle as it would be useful to read up on some of the bits as well as having a manual etc for it.

Also if anyone knows of a good place to buy service item parts in Western Aus and/or secondhand parts (bigger than service items) I would be grateful.

TIA ! :)