A way around import rulz!?!?

A way around import rulz!?!?



Original Poster:

26 posts

240 months

Tuesday 15th March 2005
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I think i found a way to import cars into aus... ive been looking for other ways to import cars apart from personal imports, where you have to own it for 12 months when i found this article on the RAWS system.

"Import approval will be granted if one of the following requirements are met:

You obtain a written agreement from a firm that has approval to fit a compliance plate to the vehicle. These compliance firms have approval to comply a limited number (up to 25) of specific models. This is known as Low Volume Type Approval and is the common way a vehicle would have been imported when you buy from a dealer. "

So all you have to do is find someone who is a RAW
and ask them to import the car for you, say a vauxhall vx220... Thoughts on this plan

their might be a way for companies to import them
but i need to look into that


710 posts

268 months

Monday 21st March 2005
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wasn't RAWS about rare and significant vehicles ?

The V220 doesn't rate under either of those headings


8,428 posts

249 months

Monday 21st March 2005
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I wonder if a 340R would?